音频:ring around the roses
1、It's up to you~
一早听到小蛋儿喊神奇时间,娃揉着眼睛醒来嘟囔着“我要玩神奇时间”,好哒没问题,“我要玩三十分钟”“那就开始吧!”“变鳄鱼!”娃妈顺势倒趴在床上回味下睡觉的感觉,“I‘m hungry, growl growl growl, I'm hungry,growl growl growl, I want to eat’”娃丢来一条尼莫,“Oh, Here is a fish. I like to eat fish……But I'm still hungry. I want to eat more."娃又丢来shark,丢penguin,丢green frog,吃了一肚子撑得不行了,I am full. I need to take a nap.娃拉着我的手说,早上不是英语时间,那好吧,its up to you~接下来娃给我介绍了他昨晚新建的乐高商场,详细介绍各个地方的功能,我争取都记住了~
2.看完transformers娃把我变成汽车人,那就《driving in my car》吧!
M: Where are you going to?Bei jing, shanghai, guangzhou or sanya beach?
S: 我想去海边!
M: Okay, we are going to the beach. The car is leaving, beep~beep~ We arrived.
S: 我要去钓鱼啦!你现在是三角龙啦!
M: OKEY, we will go fishing. Do you remember the book-a funny fish?
S: Yes.
M: Biff got a hat.Chip got a crab.
S: 我钓了一只章鱼。
M:You got an octopus. good job~
S: Yes. I got an octopus. You got an octopus, too.
《round and round》《clap your hands》《dance your fingers》《baby bye》阅读,每本多用look, here's a … he is …ing