First Let's learn something about the IP address.
We all know that there are millions of hosts in the internet.In order to distinguish these hosts, people give each host a specific address, called the IP address. The IP address can be accessed to each host.
IP address consists of 4 numbers. Each part is less than 256 and is separated by the use of the decimal point. For example, "Weihai hotline" host IP address is: "," enter the IP address in your browser, you can visit their homepage.Each of virtual host the user, is assigned a permanent IP address.
After knowing the IP address let's continue to have some knowledge about the Domain Name.
We can access each host through the IP address.But if we access the website clicking the number we must remember them which is a difficulty to most of us. Therefore, Internet provides a domain name (Domain Name). The domain name is composed of several parts, each part separately between the use of the decimal point, such as the "Weihai dragon union Internet service center" host domain name is dragon union company in pinyin, is "", apparently names than IP address in memory. Domain name is added before transmission protocol information and host type information constitutes a web site (URL), such as the "Weihai dragon union Internet service center" of the WWW host URL is: "".
Next what's DNS(Domain Name System)?
People habit to memory domain name, but machines are only know the IP address.What's more, domain name and IP address are one one corresponding, and the conversion between them is called domain name resolution, required by the specialized domain name server to complete.This whole process is automatically performed in the DNS.
What are the types of domain name?
Since Internet was first in the USA source, the earliest domain has no national identity, people according to their use are divided into several categories, which ends with different suffix:
.com for the Business Companies
.Org for organizations, associations and other Net network services
.Edu for educational institutions
.Gov for government departments
.Mil used in military field
With Internet development of the whole world, in addition to edu, gov, mil, generally only in the USA special, the other three categories com, org, net became common throughout the world, therefore these three categories is often referred to as the international domain name domain name.
Due to the international domain name with limited resources, all countries, regions of domain name in the end of national identity, resulting in each country, area of their domestic domain name, such as: for Chinese commercial for Hongkong for Japanese web search
It is obviously that International domain name is higher than the level of domestic domain name, more conducive to the image of the enterprise.
Why to registrate domain name?
The registration of the domain name is the basis for the establishment of information publicity Center in Internet. The vast majority of enterprises hope to use the corporate name or trademark as a domain name to build their own Webpage .International domain is very limited resources, and is not influenced by the trademark law protection.Who registered first, who will have the right to use.