“Brunch is cheerful,sociable and inciting...It is talk-compelling. It puts you in a good temper,it makes you satisfied with yourself and your fellow beings, it sweeps away the worries and cobwebs of the week.”
这是一家类似一个园区小店的感觉,店而不大,外部地方很敞亮,装修得依旧很有腔调,文艺而不俗气,绿色门还有原木的椅子非常fancy,中间的大长桌全都坐满了客人,都是不认识的人依次坐开,哈哈,就是聊天有点尴尬,不过也有一种法式小馆的休闲,门口还有一排可以坐等喝咖啡的椅子,也可以坐在窗台用餐,风景不错。从窗内望进去几乎满座,外边的伞下座位也是满桌。人只会越来越多,所以等到有座位,就先坐下。做的也是比较简单的快手菜,all day brunch和一个比较专业的酒吧。
RAC Bar & Coffee地处上海原法租界安福路武康路口,周边早已形成浓厚的西式餐饮氛围,得天独厚的地理优势,也意味着更高的设计要求。业主希望在此打造一个迥然于别处的餐饮店铺,展现纯正的法式风味,主营精品咖啡、面包糕点、法式煎饼和有机葡萄酒。
At the intersection of Anfu and Wukang roads in the former French Concession, you’ll find RAC Bar & Coffee. The locale has been long-known for its many Western restaurants and desirably central location - that also means the standards for design in this area are higher. The owners of RAC aimed to stand out with their authentically French vibe, speciality coffee, French pastries, crepes and organic wines.
RAC is both a cafe and bar combined. Originally the cafe was a streetside security post at the entrance to the property. The restaurant and bar section sits at the end of the entrance passageway. That separation presented MASS DESIGN with a challenge: How could design create interaction and connection between these two disparate sections?
The solution was to treat this outdoor space as a bridge between the two spaces, re-thinking the area as a public area like a park or a courtyard. Operable windows and a marble sill were inserted on the wall facing the courtyard creating an in-between dining table on the facade. Patrons can sit inside the shop, outside in the sun with their coffee or dine across both spaces. The bar was deliberately moved to open a service window facing the courtyard, allowing visitors from the adjacent office building easy access. In doing so, MASS created a space to enjoy in many ways, activating this courtyard and coaxing more visitors to enter RAC.
RAC Coffee is less than 10 square meters, designed strictly for making coffee and the minimum necessary storage. Instead, MASS has taken advantage of the space’s streetside location, creating a special coffee window where the barista can easily serve people on the sidewalk and also allure passerby to take a closer look and walk into the courtyard.
咖啡店内的设计借用了“mise en abyme(像中像)”的艺术创作手法,并选择了一款白底红碎石的水磨石为其主要材料,通过拱门与镜子的叠置组合,不禁令人心生恍然:不知是窥见了庭中之相,还是镜映了街景?
The interior design for RAC Coffee uses a technique called “mise en abyme”, a technique in which an image contains a smaller copy of itself. The main material is a white terrazzo scattered speckled with red throughout. The combination of arches and mirrors makes for an entryway that beckons and entices - is the scene you glimpse a peek into the small courtyard, or a reflection of Anfu Road behind you?
MASS also drew inspiration from the European habit of drinking coffee while standing at the bar. By installing a small wooden bar, complete with hooks for hanging bags and coats, MASS not only found a clever way to solve the lack of space for seating, but also inadvertently created a central meeting place for residents and regulars to chat over coffee.
The design for the restaurant and bar section is inspired by RAC’s core product: organic wine. The transparent wine cabinet allows an easy glance of their selection from your seat at the bar. The prevailing color throughout the space - a shade of wine bottle green - can be found on finishings like the door, window and cabinet frames as well as in the marble floors. The central table was cut directly from tree trunk, preserving its natural textures and providing a visual, visceral reminder of the rich soils and vineyards of southern France.
People have long misunderstood what “French” style means. In order to avoid trite, gaudy or even faux “French” design clichés, MASS used real materials like stone, existing concrete, glass, metal and wood to imbue the space with authenticity.
MASS choose to scrape away the white paint from the columns, revealing their original forms replete with many “flaws” - the exposed steel bars and leftover etchings - to showcase how the building’s vibrant history still lives on.
The marble of the restaurant floor is undoubtedly the design highlight of the whole project. It repurposes the “scraps” of Italian marble-cutting to give the material a brand new life through a novel inlaid geometric pattern. The countertops and console tops make use of a common wall material used in countryside homes: travertine stone.
Once construction was completed, the owners sourced decor from Paris to mark the space with their own personal touch. They’ve achieved a space that feels as if you were standing in the home of a typical French family: gathered around the table, eating, chatting, enjoying and relaxing.
设计公司:MASS DESIGN 上海迈石建筑设计有限公司 主创设计师:Vladimir Dyduch 客户: RAC Bar & Coffee 摄影:史枫项目位置:上海市徐汇区安福路322号1幢和14幢一楼 项目面积:160平方米 竣工时间:2017年12月 Edited by Designwire
类别:手机摄影 | 微单摄影 | 店铺摄影 | 早餐摄影 | 日常摄影
设备:iPhone & FUJI
风格:低饱度 、暖色调、噪点、构图
地址:上海 安福路322号14幢一楼