Chapter 1 The Power of Purposeful Practice
Generally speaking, no matter what you're trying to do, you need feedback to identify exactly where and how you are falling short.
fall short // to be less than what you need, expected, or hoped for, or to fail to reach a satisfactory standard
例句: The Republicans increased their share of the vote, but still fell short of a majority.
仿句: Tian Xia Ba Chang's recent works fell short of most readers' expectations.
That allowed him to use his long-term memory to sidestep the usual limitations of short-term memory and remember long strings of digits.
sidestep // to avoid dealing with something difficult
例句: The report sidesteps the environmental issues.
仿句: I do not have confidence in surviving in such situation and I really have thought about a thousand times to sidestep it.
At this point, even if you're not completely satisfied with your level of play, your improvement stalls. You have mastered the easy stuff.
stall / install // to cause (someone) to be or stay in a particular place
这章从Steve的超强记忆力引入,讲到了各个领域的杰出人物所达到的成就都需要经过大量的练习。对于那些有天分的人来说,例如Steve, 进行purposeful practice就可以了;但对于绝大多数普通人来讲,更多是需要通过deliberate practice进行有目的的练习。然而仅仅做有目的的练习还不够,最终我们还需要刻意练习。