Homeostasis is the process by which the body maintains a stable internal environment, as even the external environment changes.It is important for all living organisms.
-Balancing the pH level.
-Keep your body temperature at 37℃.
External Environments(体内变量) e.g :
- Air temperature (空气温度)
Internal Environments(体外变量) e.g :
- Blood Glucose level (血糖浓度)
Hypothermia (低温症) :
When the External temperature becomes too cold for the human body to maintain a stable internal temperature; When Human body dissipates more heat than it produces or absorbs,the body’s temperature starts to drop and eventually it could cause death.
(< 35℃)
Hyperthermia (高温症) :
When the External temperature becomes too hot for the human body to maintain a stable internal temperature; When Human body produces or absorbs more heat than it dissipates, the body’s temperature starts to rise and eventually it could cause death.
(>41.5 °C)
Hypoglycemia (低血糖) :
When too much Glucagon(升糖素) is released by Pancreas, you will eventually get Hypoglycemia. If your get Hypoglycemia, your Liver(肝) will convert Glucagon into Glucose(葡萄糖) in order to increase your Glucose level, which is the blood sugar level.
(< 4 mmol/L)
Hyperglycemia (高血糖)
When you are cold:
- Shivering(发抖)
- ReduceBody Circulation(减少身体循环)
- Hair straighten up (汗毛竖立)
- Vasoconstriction(血管收缩)
- Skin turns red (皮肤发白)
When you are hot:
- Sweat(出汗)
- ReduceBody Circulation(减少身体循环)
- Hair lies flat (汗毛竖直)
- Vasodilation (血管膨胀)
- Skin turns red (皮肤发红)
Stimulus (刺激体) : To activates a response.
Receptors (受体) ; To sense changes in the environment or to sense Stimulus.
- Photoreceptors (光感器) : Eye
- Mechanoreceptors (物理感器) : Ears and Skin
- Chemoreceptors (化学感器) : Tongue and Nose
- Thermoreceptors (温度感器) : Skin and Muscles
Control Centre (控制中心) : To process and initiate a response.
Effectors (效应子) : To construct or create a response.
Response (回应)
Human Body Constant:
Temperature (体温):
Set Point : 37℃ Reference Range : 36.5℃~37.5℃
Blood glucose levels (血糖水平) :
Set Point : 5 mmol/L Reference Range : 4 mmol/L~7 mmol/L
Blood Pressure (血压) :
Set Point : 120/80 mmHg Reference Range : 90/60mmHg~120/80 mmHg
Blood pH (血液酸碱) :
Set Point : pH7.4 Reference Range : pH7.35~pH7.45
Oxygen Level (血氧浓度) :
Reference Range : 75~100 mmHg
Adrenal Gland(肾上腺):
Secretes Adrenaline into the Bloodstream.
Adrenaline (肾上腺素)
- 心跳加快,血压升高
- 瞳孔放大,肌肉紧绷
- 减轻疼痛,血糖升高
- 速度变快,反应变快
Thyroid Gland(甲状腺):
Secretes thyroid hormone into the Bloodstream.
Thyroid hormone (甲状腺激素)
- 生长发育,
Pituitary Gland(脑下垂体):
Secretes hormones that control the secretion of other glands such as the adrenal gland and the thyroid gland.