5月18日,这是一个特别的日子,不仅因为今天周末,艳阳高照,而是因为筹备已久的第二次MC和CC的线下培训如期举行。一大早,我就赶到川和路,马大大,宋大哥,bo ,perter,chris他们几个早早就等在这里了,一大群人在朝阳中畅聊人生超级开心。
上午的议程是根据主持的分类做第一次rehearsal ,虽然准备了整整两周,我的开场还是稀碎稀碎的,啥时候我的英文可以洋气点呢?
Gala party 是我最喜欢的环节之一。一起high 起来!
Workshop 第一组的佳瞳美美哒,我原来以为她只有20几岁刚毕业,喜欢她那份自信和笑容,还有她的英语,羡慕。
Round table绝对是强强组合,现实版的美女与“野兽”隆重上演。
中文演讲比赛半决赛的sam同学气势如虹,往台上一站就霸气侧漏,分分钟hold 住全场。
无比感激粟,自从四月份我接了mc chair 这个项目,内心无比慌乱,不知道从何入手,空有一到激情不晓得哪能操作,这时候我听说了,大名鼎鼎,做过好几次mc chair 的粟,我就像一个即将溺水的小朋友看到了一颗救命的稻草。无论如何,不管怎样,一定要抓住,所以我就开始不停的打电话,发微信请教粟。 在这之前,我甚至只见过他一次,我敢保证他一定不认识我,然而我就像一块狗皮膏药一样,老问他各种问题。他都不厌其烦的帮我解答,让我非常感动,还连续两次线下支持我们的培训,真的特别感谢!粟,你绝对是个大好人啊!
要感谢的人还有好多好多,比如大区长,我几乎每周都会请教他很多问题,话多的不得了,他不管多忙总会抽空给我回复,鼓励我,支持我。Helen 大大,绝对是大智慧的人,运筹帷幄之中,决胜千里之外。最最要感谢的是糖糖,她自己身体不舒服的情况下,做了大量工作,两次线下培训都是在ibm的场地,我感觉她又瘦了好多呢,加油哦。美美哒。
下面这个厉害了,chris 小朋友,竟然能一边听着英文,一边写下了下面这么长长的笔记,简直就是膜拜啊,请收下我的膝盖!Emcee/CC workshop notes - 5.18.19
Overall tips:
**** TIME CONTROL IS KEY!! **** Be ready to sacrifice your stage time/script for the benefits of the program. Keep checking with the timers
Control audience’s high’s & lows tailored according to the section. Eg More serious for CCs & competition sections
Emcees should ensure there is connection/flow between the sections Eg. Overall emcees with CC sections
Emcee pairs should coordinate & match outfits and have colors associated with conference theme colors if possible
Very important to get all the guests name’s and pronunciations correct as a sign of respect
Incorporate more of the conference theme “Reach your Dreams” into your content
Emcees should have interaction with the audience and ask questions
Prepare “filler” material to handle special circumstances & to avoid dead air
Have 2 versions of your script - Normal & Condensed version
Prepare to handle situations where the mic may not be working & check the back-up mic location
See if there is a person in the first row who you can look at Eg PQD who will signal any emergencies
Remember to be able to back-up and fill in for your emcee partner in case any lines are missed but do not steal their lines
Check outfit prior to going on stage eg straps & especially high heels
Take a slow and safe entrance especially when climing the stairs
Pay attention to your off-stage/stand-by behavior and actions as the audience could still be watching you
Entertain the audience, let them remember you, showoff your style
Need to be aware which side the guests enter/leave the stage
Check agenda, procedures, SOP, any special instructions
Speak slower & clearer as you can’t repeat yourself
Be aware of you ‘So” as filler word as it’ a sign that you have forgotten your script
Have eye contact & face guest, smile, firm handshake, lead guest, leave stage by walking behind them
Must prepare cue cards and can glance at cue cards but don’t read off them. Need to flip the cue cards according to program but discreetly
Use different colors for the text of you and your partners on the cue cards & keep extras
Be prepared on handling if the audience doesn’t react when you want them to
Make sure you look at your emcee partner and establish a connection
Try not to use “But” in your script
CC emcee tips:
CCs should talk more about competition related material Eg How tough it is to make it to this round of the contest
All the CCs should align how they present the rules so it is all consistent. Eg 1. Time 2. Stage etc
Thank emcee for introduction and can add self intro
Ask Chief judge and judging team if they are ready?
Pause after audience finishes clapping to calm down the environment prior to introducing the contestants
Prepare a couple of interview questions for the contestants and can brief contestants first so they can be prepared to answer. Eg Contestants can share their conference experience
Control time and cut-off the interview session if there are too many questions
Be professional, understand the rules inside out and be prepared to handle situations Eg How to handle protests
Align with Chief Judge
Pay attention to the entrance SAA as they will provide signaling
Workshop emcee tips:
Have some games/Table topics to warm up while waiting for audience to arrive
Can have a special entrance method Eg dance to capture audience’s attention
Should have different introductions for guests and ask if they have any preferences. Ask them for a 1 liner
Should provide a summary of the workshop theme
Control time and cut-off session by suggesting having the last question and introducing what is coming up next
Round table emcee tips:
Remind the participants that they can look at the board to check the all the programs
Highlight that all the speakers are great and worth attending their sessions
Provide a quick wrap-up after each session