The documentary Feeding The Super Rich is really mind-blowing.
As an ordinary person, I am rather shocked by the super rich' s lifestyle.
I don't wanna judge their spending habits, coz I think every person has his own way of living, if only he could afford it.
The super rich want to spend money on the best things and they are willing to go to any length to source the finest food and drinks.
They are not afraid to flaunt their life.
They think money comes and money goes. If you are living in a way that makes you truly happy, then do whatever you like to do.
When it comes to spendig, they are in a league of their own.
For them it's not about the price, it's about how they feel about spending on certain things.
Everything in luxury is fine. The more expensive, the better.
Like caviar tasting showed in the flick, the caviar has a high rocketing price.
In the top hotel, the 1.8 kilo tin of Beluga can retail for 24 thousand pounds.
Caviar is rare, even farmed, you've got to wait 12 years before the Beluga will be ready to produce eggs.
It's the rarity, it's the time that takes you and that's what denotes the cost.
Every super rich is impressed by the caviar tasting, because it's unique, not everyone can taste it;
it's special and of course it's incredibly expensive and people like all that stuff.
They are also flying private jet with bedrooms, cinemas, steam rooms and glass floors and money is no longer object for them.
Owners can spend hundreds of millions of pounds on their private jet, so the last thing they want is second rate food.
The bar for the chef is set very high because the client they are serving got there by demanding the best.
And then we can see the rare cognac. It is very expensive and it costs 5000 pounds per shot coz it dates back to long time ago.
The spirit seller said he would be very careful about whom he would give it to.
This is not a question of how much money you have. The integrity is do you deserve it.
As the rich get richer, their spending is escalsting beyond belief.
You may not understand why they squander so much money on food that may not seem that appealing.
But at the end of the flick, one client said the truth: Food tastes better when you've got the story.
It's as simple as that. The food tastes good already, but imagine once you've got the theater - once you've got the story, the super rich are definitely willing to pay for it.
The bigger you can make that story, the more elaborate and the more interesting, the more they like it.
Nowadays, people are buying more than just a plate of food,the story behind it is massively important.
Just like the percebes, fresh from the churning waters of big coast, It's so crazy and unbelievable that people die so that someone can have it on their plate, but for those clients that would be a great dinner table story.
People always want to have one up manship at their parties to impress their guest and these food with a good story behind them could do the job.
Everybody is looking for the thing that is a little bit different and that is their life.