My kid has a sweet tooth, she cannot say no to chocolate
My kid has a sweet tooth she cannot say no to chocolate
Lip compression is one of the body language signals we use when we are tying to hold something back.
Most western meditations have side effects. A side effect of some meditations is weight gain.
He said he was late because of the traffic jam and we gave him the benefit of the doubt.
We can let the future take care of itself
A well bred child should not make any sound while chewing.
I used to be a couch potato, but not any more.
The clock’s hands pointed at twelve and six
When gods closes a door, he Opens a window.
i have fail-safe
I haven’t played the piano for ages- I might be a little rusty
I scooped up my little girl and she is so heavy
The happiness flooding into my face
I take no comfort from his word
My heart aching to see you leave
He has paid the penalty of drunk driving