Lecture 1 - Introduction
Computing with MATLAB - Part 1
MATLAB 的基本操作,都是矩阵分析的内容编程实现。
Lecture 3 - Computing with MATLAB - Part 2
An example of MATLAB array arithmetic
colors = repmat('krgbmc',1,300) ;
Rtot = 20 ;
L = 0:0.01:200 ;
KDs = 10:20:90 ;
hold on
for i=1:length(KDs)
KD = KDs(i) ;
LR = Rtot*L./(L + KD) ;
plot(L,LR,colors(i)) ;
LR_all(i,:) = LR ;
figurelegend{i} = ['K_D = ',int2str(KD),' uM'] ;
xlabel('[Ligand] (uM)')
ylabel('[Ligand-Receptor] (nM)')
Lecture 4 - Computing with MATLAB - Part 3
- Useful MATLAB built-in functions e.g. mean, maximum, standard deviation
determining array locations that fit particular criteria - Strategies for using if statements
- Exporting and importing results
Lecture 5 - Computing with MATLAB - Part 4
- Scripts versus functions
- Local versus global variables
- fluorescence 数据平均化的一个例子time、红、绿、蓝四列