摘要: 本文试图从凯特肖特本人成长背景和生活经历出发,结合其所著名篇《觉醒》中女主角的性格特点及心路历程分析作者与女主人公埃德娜之间诸多背离和契合点,无论是绚丽夺目的作者本人还是其笔下个性鲜明的女主人公埃德娜都让我们这一代对当时社会背景下的女性有了更深入更全面更多角度的认知和触动。
父权制社会,男性占统治地位,女性处于从属地位,妇女被认为是男性的财产。贤良淑德恭顺得体,是女性的行为规范,而独立,欲望,自我,性 则是不可触碰的敏感红线。凯特肖邦和埃德娜在困顿的现实世界里经历了迷茫、挣扎、困惑的苦痛时期,在反复自我拷问和现实冲击之中不断尝试和蜕变,最终走向勇敢而决绝地自我觉醒之路。本论文试图在前人研究的基础上对《觉醒》的内涵和深意进行再次挖掘,通过分析凯特肖邦和女主人公埃德娜的乖巧与叛逆,觉醒与颠覆,探究其自杀结局的必然性,挖掘其悲剧命运产生的根源及其死亡的含义。凯特肖邦和埃德娜从乖巧恭顺,走向叛逆独立,颠覆了几千年来女性一贯的处事原则和行为规范,其自我意识,独立,欲望的觉醒及对人生价值的质问和追求无疑使她们在女权主义运动史上留下浓墨重彩的一笔,也让同时代男性女性或哗然,或不耻或震惊。
![社会需要男性,同样需要女性。男性和女性都既是主宰者,也是从属者,既是支配者,也是服从者。任何一方屈从于一方,或者任何一方长期 绝对 地“统治”“教化”“施命”于另一方都是不科学,不稳固,不持久的。]
Abstract:This paper proposes to make an attempt at analyzing the coherence and deviating point between the author and the heroine, starting from Kate Chopin’s own growth background and life experience, combined with the character and developing process of the heroine in her own famous novel “The Awakening”. It is both luminous Kate Chopin herselfand the extraordinary heroine Ednain The Awakening that provide abundant deeper, morevariousperspectivesto help us understand the women in that social context.
The classic "The Awakening" is a masterpiece in many ways,which is worth repeatedly reading and thinking.The main research direction of this paper is "clever and rebellious, awakening and subversion" about Kate Chopin and Edna.The awakening of Kate Chopin and the heroine Edna are highly intelligent and independent spirit of women, also have experienced these processes such as "Dutiful wife and loving mother, caregivers for husband and teaching children" "“The devil” emerging and the "self-awareness" awakening" "Death is the only thing, let me forever" “To live follow your heart, and being towards death”and so on. There are many similarities and resonance between Kate Chopin and Edna from thought emotion to real experience.
Dominant patriarchy society, male dominant the marriage and society, women belong to subordinate status,meanwhile women were considered the property of men.Being virtuous,respectful,submissive,
deferential appropriately, is a woman's code of conduct, while independence, desire, the self, the sex were the sensitive red lines that were limited to touch.Kate Chopin and Edna in real world had experienced confusion, struggle, suffering period of confusion,keeping in the repeated torture and reality constantly trying and metamorphosis, finally to go for self-awareness bravely and resolutely.
Based on previous studies of Kate Chopin and The Awakening,this paper attempts to research again connotation and meaning of mining. This passage explore the necessity of the outcome of suicides, digging the root causes of the tragedy destiny and the meaning of death on the base of the analysis of Kate Chopin and the heroine Edna's clever and rebellious, awakening and subversion.The actions of Kate Chopin and Edna from clever deference, to rebel independence toppled over thousands of years women has always been the principle and action criterion. The self-awareness, independence, the awakening of desire and the query and pursuit of life value certainly make them in a part in the history of the feminist movement,which impact the contemporary men and women who out-cried, or shamed or shocked.
Except the introduction and conclusion, this paper will be divided into three chapters.The first chapter mainly gives a brief introduction to the author and the work.The second chapter and the third chapter is the focus of this paper.Chapter ii systematically analyses the growing environment and life experience of Kate Chopin and the heroine Edna in The Awakening,including social ideological consciousness, sex consciousness and spirit, and the cause of their awakening at the same time.In terms of reason, this paper tries to analyze from two aspects: the first one is the rebellious character of Kate Chopin and Edna and the other is its repression of marriage.Kate Chopin and Edna changed from submission to revolt and finally won the rebirth in the awakening.The third chapter discusses the confusion of Kate Chopin and Edna after awakening and the reason of death.Aiming at both dead end, the paper expounds the necessity of the choice of suicides, potential factors, and that resulted in the deaths of their understanding of its death.Suicide is the only choice that they can do in order to achieve liberation, independence and challenge the expectations of society.The death of the author and Edna is win for self and the spirit of freedom. To be precise, it is a helpless choice that they can make when they face the traditional patriarchal society.
The male power society, therefore, has made the same resolution to their destinies.Although they had realized self-awareness, and they felt more confused and solitary in the end of dying. However those males who have suppressed them actually are suppressed by the father power consciousness as well and their thoughts were restricted by thousands of traditional and conservative patriarchy and standard of behaviors. Patriarchy and male-domination were not just the responsibility that women should take to struggle for,so did male. They represent not only as the decadent tradition and shackle but also as a hindrance to human progress.A favorable social atmosphere filled with harmony,justify,permanence and stability will be formed if male and female ere united as one and be concentrating their efforts on the mutual progress and prosperity.