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An Earthquake
Jacquelyn and her family were sleeping in their home.
【专有名词】Jacquelyn n. 杰奎琳 人名
【单词】sleeping 原型:sleep 动词现在进行式或动名词 [sleep][sliːp] v. 睡觉 n. 睡眠;睡觉
Their dog Scruffy was asleep next to Jacquelyn.
【单词】dog 名词 [dawg, dog][dɒɡ] n. 狗;家伙;卑鄙的人;没用的东西 vt. (灾难等)缠住;跟踪
【单词】asleep 副词 [uh-'sleep][ə'sliːp] adj. 睡着的;已死的;不活跃的;麻木的 adv. 睡着;进入静止状态
【专有名词】Scruffy ['skruhf-ee]['skrʌfi] adj. 邋遢的;肮脏的;破旧的;这里是指狗名
It was 4:36 a.m. and the night was quiet.
【单词】quiet 名词 ['kwahy-it]['kwaɪət] adj. 安静的;宁静的;平静的 n. 安静;平静;闲适 vt. 使平静;使安心 vi. 平静下来
There were no cars passing in the street, no noise could be heard, it was like everything was still.
【单词】passing 原型:pass 动词现在进行式或动名词 [pas, pahs][pɑːs] v. 通过;经过;度过;传递;发生 n. 通行证;及格;乘车券;传球;关隘,山口
【单词】street 名词 [street][striːt] n. 街道;马路 adj. 街道的
【单词】noise 名词 [noiz][nɔɪz] n. 噪声;喧闹声;响声 vt. 谣传 vi. 大声说话;发出噪音
【单词】heard 原型:hear 动词过去分词 [heer][hɪə] v. 得知;倾听;听到;听证
【单词】everything 代词 ['ev-ree-thing]['evriθɪŋ] pron. 一切;所有事物;形势;情况;最重要的东西
Jacquelyn always put a cup with water next to her bed, so that if she got thirsty during the night she didn't have to walk all the way to the kitchen.
【单词】cup 名词 [kuhp][kʌp] n. 杯子;一杯之量;奖杯;罩杯 vt. 使成杯形;把某物放入杯中
【单词】bed 名词 [bed][bed] n. 床;基座;底层;河床;花坛;苗圃;地层 v. 安置;发生性关系
【单词】thirsty 形容词 ['thur-stee]['θɜːsti] adj. 口渴的;渴望的
【单词】walk 动词原形 [wawk][wɔːk] v. 步行;陪...走;散步;偷走;走过 n. 步行;散步;人行道
【单词】kitchen 名词 ['kich-uh n]['kɪtʃɪn] n. 厨房;灶间;(全套)炊具
That was when it happened.
【单词】happened 原型:happen 动词过去式 ['hap-uhn]['hæpən] vi. 发生;碰巧;出现;偶遇
The furniture started shaking, and the cup of water fell to the floor.
【单词】furniture 名词 ['fur-ni-cher]['fɜːnɪtʃə] n. 家具;设备,装置;床罩;必要的附属品;【会计】家俬
【单词】shaking 原型:shake 动词现在进行式或动名词 [sheyk][ʃeɪk] v. 摇动;震动;握手 n. 片刻;摇晃
【单词】fell 原型:fall 动词过去式 [fawl][fɔːl] v. 落下;倒下;来临 n. 秋天;落下;瀑布
【单词】floor 名词 [flawr, flohr][flɔː] n. 地面;地板;楼层;底部 vt. 铺地板;击倒;(油门)踩到底
Scruffy started barking and it woke up Jacquelyn.
【译】Scruffy 开始吠叫,它叫醒了杰奎琳。
【短语】wake up 醒来,起床;例句:I wake up with a very thick head this morning. 我早晨醒来觉得头昏昏沉沉的。
【单词】barking 原型:bark 动词现在进行式或动名词 [bahrk][bɑːk] v. (狗)吠;咆哮 v. 剥皮;擦伤 n. 狗吠;咆哮 n. 树皮
【单词】woke 原型:wake 动词过去式 [weyk][weɪk] v. 醒来;唤醒;意识到 n. 航迹;守夜
She looked around and saw that all her stuff was shaking.
【单词】stuff 名词 [stuhf][stʌf] n. 东西;原料;材料 n. 素质;本质;废物;无用的想法;废话,蠢话 vt. 塞满;填满
【单词】shaking 原型:shake 动名词 [sheyk][ʃeɪk] v. 摇动;震动;握手 n. 片刻;摇晃
She started screaming.
【单词】screaming 原型:scream 动词现在进行式或动名词 [skreem][skriːm] n. 尖叫声 v. 尖叫;(指风﹑ 机器等)发出大而尖的声音
Soon after, her father came in and told her to come out quick.
【单词】Soon 原型:soon 副词 [soon][suːn] adv. 不久;很快;早;快
【单词】quick 副词 [kwik][kwɪk] adj. 迅速的;快的;机敏的 adv. 迅速地;快
It was an earthquake.
【语法】此句式为 it + be + 名词 + that从句。其中that从句为句子真正的主语,it为形式主语。如:It's a shame (that) you're sick. 真遗憾你病了。
【单词】earthquake 名词 ['urth-kweyk]['ɜːθkweɪk] n. 地震
Jacquelyn was so scared, and couldn't move.
【单词】scared 原型:scare 过去分词做形容词 [skair][skeə] v. 受惊吓;恐吓;吓走 n. 惊吓;惊恐
Her father went in and picked her up.
【单词】picked 原型:pick 动词过去式 [pik][pɪk] v. 拾;捡;挑选;采摘;找茬;偶然学到 n. 拾;捡;选择;采摘
He took her outside, where Jacquelyn's mother and brother were at already.
【单词】brother 名词 ['bruhth -er or for 9, 'bruhth -'ur]['brʌðə] n. 兄弟
Jacquelyn and her brother were crying.
【单词】crying 原型:cry 动名词 [krahy][kraɪ] v. 哭;(大声)叫喊;(强烈)要求 n. 叫声;哭;喊
They didn't understand what was happening.
【单词】understand 动词原形 [uhn-der-'stand][ˌʌndə'stænd] v. 懂得;明白;理解;认识到;听说;获悉
【单词】happening 原型:happen 动名词 ['hap-uhn]['hæpən] vi. 发生;碰巧;出现;偶遇
Luckily, Jacquelyn's mother had prepared an emergency kit and had it outside.
【单词】Luckily 原型:luckily 副词 ['luhk-uh-lee]['lʌkɪli] adv. 幸运地;幸亏地
【单词】prepared 原型:prepare 动词过去分词 [pri-'pair][prɪ'peə] v. 预备;准备
【单词】emergency 形容词 [ih-'mur-juhn-see][i'mɜːdʒənsi] n. 突发事件;紧急状态 adj. 应急的;紧急的;备用的
【单词】kit 名词 [kit][kɪt] n. 成套工具;工具箱;装备 vt. 装备
She looked for the key, which was hidden inside a fake rock, and unlocked the box.
【语法】sth., which ...,是定语从句,which后面的从句用来修饰前面的事物;
【单词】key 名词 [kee][kiː] n. 键;关键;钥匙;答案 adj. 关键的;主要的 vt. 键入;用钥匙锁上;为 ... 调音
【单词】hidden 原型:hide 动词过去分词 [hahyd][haɪd] v. 藏;隐瞒;遮避 vt. 鞭打 n. 兽皮 hid hidden /
【单词】inside 介词、从属连词 [preposition in-'sahyd, 'in-sahyd; adverb in-'sahyd; noun 'in-'sahyd; adjective in-'sahyd, 'in-, 'in-sahyd][ˌɪn'saɪd] adj. 里面的 adv. 在里面 n. 内部 prep. 在 ... 里面
【单词】fake 形容词 [feyk][feɪk] adj. 假的 n. 骗子;假货;欺骗 vt. 伪造;伪装 vi. 假造
【单词】rock 名词 [rok][rɒk] n. 岩石;摇滚乐;困境 vt. 使震惊;摇动;使动心 vi. 来回摇动;跳摇摆舞
【单词】unlocked 原型:unlock 动词过去式 [uhn-'lok][ˌʌn'lɒk] v. 开锁;开启;揭开;显露
【单词】box 名词 [boks][bɒks] n. 盒子;箱子
She pulled out blankets to keep her children warm.
【语法】keep意为“使……处于某种状态;保持”,常用于keep+宾语+宾语补足语。如:keep+宾语+形容词/副词。如:Keep the door open.
【单词】pulled 原型:pull 动词过去式 [pool][pʊl] v. 拉;拖;牵;拔;吸引 n. 拉;拉力;引力;划船;影响力
【单词】blankets 原型:blanket 名词复数形式 ['blang-kit]['blæŋkɪt] n. 毛毯;覆盖物;排字版 vt. 覆盖;用毯子裹;扑灭;挡风;使包含 adj. 包含所有的;适用于所有情形的
【单词】warm 形容词 [wawrm][wɔːm] adj. 温暖的;暖和的;热情的 v. 变暖;使暖和 n. 温暖的空气
Jacquelyn looked at her mother and took the blanket.
【单词】blanket 名词 ['blang-kit]['blæŋkɪt] n. 毛毯;覆盖物;排字版 vt. 覆盖;用毯子裹;扑灭;挡风;使包含 adj. 包含所有的;适用于所有情形的
She then saw her dad take a flashlight from the box.
【单词】dad 名词 [dad][dæd] n. 爸爸
【单词】flashlight 名词 ['flash-lahyt]['flæʃlaɪt] n. 手电筒;闪光灯
He used the flashlight to see if the house had any damage.
【单词】damage 名词 ['dam-ij]['dæmɪdʒ] n. 损害;损失;毁坏 vt. 损害;毁坏
The father knew the house was not safe, so they stayed up until someone could examine the house.
【短语】stay up表示“熬夜;悬在原位上;不掉”。如:I used to stay up late with my mom and watch movies. 我以前总是和妈妈一起熬夜看电影。表示“熬夜”时,经常后面跟late,如:Don't wake him up. he stayed up late last night.
【单词】safe 形容词 [seyf][seɪf] adj. 安全的;安然无恙的;可靠的;谨慎的 n. 保险箱
【单词】stayed 原型:stay 动词过去式 [stey][steɪ] v. 停留;逗留;保持 n. 停留;逗留
【单词】someone 代词 ['suhm-wuhn, -wuh n]['sʌmwʌn] pron. 某人;有人
【单词】examine 动词原形 [ig-'zam-in][ɪɡ'zæmɪn] vt. 检查;调查;考试;仔细观察 vi. 检查;调查
The children didn't have school due to the earthquake, so they spent the day with their parents.
【短语】due to 多数表示“由于;因为”。如:This accident was due to his careless driving.同时,due 与to 单配,还可以表示“付给某人”,如:Respect is due to older people.
【单词】due 形容词 [doo, dyoo][djuː] adj. 应有的;到期的;预定的;应付的 n. 应得物;会费
【单词】spent 原型:spend 动词过去式 [spend][spend] n. 预算;花销 v. 花费;浪费;度过;用尽(气力等)
【单词】parents 原型:parent 名词复数形式 ['pair-uh nt, 'par-]['peərənt] n. 父母;根源 v. 抚养;产生
Jacquelyn was so proud of her parents, because they knew what to do during this disaster.
【单词】proud 形容词 [proud][praʊd] adj. 自豪的;自尊的;自傲的;壮观盛大的
【单词】disaster 名词 [dih-'zas-ter, -'zah-ster][dɪ'zɑːstə] n. 灾难
She talked to her friends, and they weren't so lucky.
【单词】talked 原型:talk 动词过去式 [tawk][tɔːk] v. 交谈;商讨;演讲;阐述;劝服 n. 谈话;会谈;讨论;讲话;空谈
【单词】friends 原型:friend 名词复数形式 [frend][frend] n. 朋友;支持者;友人 vt. 与 ... 为友
【单词】lucky 形容词 ['luhk-ee]['lʌki] adj. 幸运的;带来好运的
Jacquelyn went up to her mother and father and hugged them, because she knew she felt the protection of her parents.
【固定用法】up to ... 是多意短语,可能的意思主要有:“一直到”,“多达.../最多到”,“忙于…”,“正在做…”,“由…决定”等;当然如果前面是get等与up固定搭配的词,up是它的基本意思(向上的);例句:She can count up to one hundred and backward. 她能数到一百然后再倒着数回来。Our history textbooks only go up to the World War Ⅱ. 我们的历史教科书仅写到第二次世界大战。The figures add up to 450. 这些数字加起来的总数是450。
【单词】hugged 原型:hug 动词过去式 [huhg][hʌɡ] v. 拥抱;紧抱;抱有;挨着 n. 拥抱;紧抱
【单词】protection 名词 [pruh-'tek-shuhn][prə'tekʃn] n. 保护;防卫