The speaker starts with America's Moonshot and advises that the Moonshot in our time shall be making the world safe, fair and sustainable. He tells the origin of Millennium Development Goals: in 2000, Kofi Anan came up with the goal of reducing the size of poverty by half by 2015. It was put on the agenda of Millennium Development Goals in 2000. It then achieved great progress such as in controlling AIDS, Malaria and TB.
Then he introduces the origin of Sustainable Development Goals: In 2012, at the 20th anniversary of Earth Summit, governments found they didn't do a good job in protecting environment in the last 20 years since the environment damage was out of control. The Colombian government suggested building a set of goals on sustainable development on MDG since MDG had been going well. So in 2015, government gathered at the UN General Assembly hall adopted the Sustainable Development Goals.
Sustainable Development Goals involve the following topics:
End poverty and hunger
Send every kid to school
Universal health coverage
Combat gender and wealth inequality
Limit climate change
Stop the destruction of bio-diversity
wrestle down 战胜
cruddy 令人讨厌的
wreck 破坏
pervade 充满,弥漫
pervading 弥漫的