Sleeping more than nine hours a night or grabbing a lengthy afternoon nap raises the risk of suffering a stroke by up to a quarter, warns a new study.
Researchers found that people who sleep nine or more hours per night are 23 per cent more likely to later have a stroke than people who sleep less than eight hours per night.
The study also showed that people over 60 who took a regular midday nap lasting more than 90 minutes were 25 per cent more likely to later suffer a stroke than people who took a regular nap lasting from up to an hour or no nap at all.
The study, published in the journal Neurology, involved 31,750 people in China with an average age of 62.
The people did not have any history of stroke or other major health problems at the start of the study.
Study author Dr Xiaomin Zhang said: "More research is needed to understand how taking long naps and sleeping longer hours at night may be tied to an increased risk of stroke.
研究报告作者张晓敏(Xiaomin Zhang)博士表示:“至于长时间的午睡和睡眠是如何增加中风风险的,还需要更多的研究来了解。”
"But previous studies have shown that long nappers and sleepers have unfavourable changes in their cholesterol levels and increased waist circumferences, both of which are risk factors for stroke.”
"In addition, long napping and sleeping may suggest an overall inactive lifestyle, which is also related to increased risk of stroke."
The study participants were followed for an average of six years, during which time there were 1,557 stroke cases.
The participants were questioned about their sleep and napping habits.
Dr Xhang said midday napping is common in China. Eight per cent of the people took naps lasting more than 90 minutes, while 24 per cent said they slept nine or more hours per night.
张博士(Dr Xhang)表示,在中国午睡十分常见。8%的人午睡时间超过90分钟,24%的人说他们每晚睡眠时间为9个小时或更多。
Sleeping too much or too little increases your risk of heart attack, study warns.
The results were all adjusted for other factors that could affect the risk of stroke, including high blood pressure , diabetes and smoking.
People who were both long nappers and long sleepers were 85 percent more likely to later have a stroke than people who were moderate sleepers and nappers.
The researchers also asked people about how well they slept. People who said their sleep quality was poor were 29 per cent more likely to later have a stroke than people who said their sleep quality was good.
Of the long nappers, one per cent of cases per person-years later had a stroke, compared to 0.7 percent of cases per person-years of the moderate nappers.
The numbers were the same for the long and moderate sleepers, with one per cent of cases per person-years compared to 0.7 per cent of cases per person-years having a stroke.
Dr Zhang, of Huazhong University of Science and Technology in China, added: "These results highlight the importance of moderate napping and sleeping duration and maintaining good sleep quality, especially in middle-age and older adults."
华中科技大学的张博士(Dr Zhang)补充道:“这些结果让人更加重视合理控制午睡和睡眠时长、保证睡眠质量的重要性,尤其是中老年人。”
The research team noted that the study does not prove cause and effect between long napping and sleeping and stroke. It only shows an association.