1. 认识这个词(基础篇)
英英释义:very important and urgent
例句:One of the most pressing problems facing this startup is funding.
2. 体会这个词 (进阶篇)
“pressing”来自我们熟悉的“press”,意思是“紧急的“”迫切的“。根据英英释义我们知道它常可以用来替换 urgent/important,当我们想表示“迫切需要“时就可以用到 pressing,这也是《经济学人》等外刊中的常见词。我们通过几个例子掌握它的用法。
The most pressing problem facing this startup is funding.
我们常说的“当务之急”就可以说成“a pressing matter of the moment“, 比如“当务之急是查清真相”就可以说成:
It is a pressing matter of the moment to get to the bottom of the truth.
How to cope with the information overload has become a pressing question.
《经济学人》中也经常用到 pressing,比如:
1)In Ms Mantel's telling, young Thomas is energised by the pressing need to escape his domineering dad.
2)How to stop unmanned aerial vehicles disrupting aviation is becoming a pressing issue for policymakers.
3)Larry Fink of BlackRock, a giant asset manager, wrote in his latest annual letter to chief executives that “society is increasingly looking to companies, both public and private, to address pressing social and economic issues.
3. 从认识到会用(作业)
(参考翻译:Poverty is a more pressing problem than pollution.)
例子:Youngsters are constantly chasing big houses, fancy cars. Seemingly, money is the only problem in therir value. In fact, education is a more pressing problem than money.