GROW Model
Peer Coach Triad I: TrackingRecord
Purpose to keep track of the peer coach triad related information.
Sample Questions When Using GROW Model:
G - Goal = What do you want toimprove?
·What would success look likefor you?
·What outcomes would make thebiggest difference for you?
·Imagine yourself in 3 years.What goals might you wish that you had adopted today? How about 5 years?
·How will you know when youare successful? What will it look like?
R - Reality = What is your currentlevel of performance?
· Why haven’t you reached your goals in thepast?
·What kinds of actions haveyou tried to improve? Why do you think they have worked/not worked?
·How serious are you aboutreaching your goals?
·What feedback have yougotten that makes sense to you?
O - Options = What options areavailable to you?
·What would happen if youtook no action?
·What might a first step be?
·What else?.... Whatelse?.... What else?.... What else?....
·Let’s turn the tables andimagine you were advising me what to do. What ideas would you have?
W - Will = What are you willing tocommit to?
·When will you pursue thatoption and how?
·What will we be able to sayabout this during our next meeting?
·What other support oractions will be needed to make this happen?
·What might get in the way?What will you do if that happens?