最近在《环球时报》英文版Global Times实习。编辑姐姐要我写一些身边事,第一篇写了讯飞编辑器,第二篇写了自己的公号,第三篇写了乐队生涯。没什么特别的,但借由这篇写《十月》的文章,说了一直想说却没有写成文的话。借此也就多说几句吧。
Do not write for applause
By Zhou Ruxuan
Source: Global Times
Published: 2017/8/14 15:03:39
At the beginning of this year, I felt strongly about wanting to share some of my experiences of the past 20 years as well as things I will experience during my gap year through writing. So my boyfriend and I decided to open a public Wechat account together.
We have been running it for about seven months and have accumulated around 800 followers. However, I noticed recently that running the public account has not been as easy as it has been in the past.
For instance, there is a section on our account called "Listen to Olivia" where I choose an English article or an excerpt from a famous English book and read it to the audience. At first, it was popular and attracted many new followers for our account. However, I noticed that the readership of my column was decreasing and it was only reaching around 300 people per article.
The same thing started happening with our other columns if we did not ask our friends to share them on WeChat's Moments.
Another example could be a slow increase of followers. I still remember a time when people were crazy about the new individual public accounts and thought whoever had their own account was pretty cool. Nevertheless, more and more individuals are opening their own accounts - though I don't think all of them are providing awesome content - and people seem less interested in them.
I became extremely anxious in July, wondering every day what the future of our public account holds and what it means for me if only a few people are reading it.
I was not alone. Many public accounts are dealing with the fact that their readership is slipping down. According to them, the way to excel in new media is to open accounts on every social media platform related to the contents one offers. The model of using multiple platforms helps attract followers from every social community.
I adopted the advice and opened accounts on other platforms. Now I have almost passed the phase of feeling anxious endlessly. My friend Jamie told me, "Do not write for applause." I opened the public account because of my love for writing. I believe that with a proper method of dissemination and tons of effort, the most outstanding accounts will not die.
May the best one win.
This article was published on the Global Times Metropolitan section Two Cents page, a space for reader submissions, including opinion, humor and satire. The ideas expressed are those of the author alone, and do not represent the position of the Global Times.
我一直觉得打满鸡血每天更Taking Sides一个Issue整理的小黄,今天在推送里说,“这两个星期其实挺崩溃的,我没想到整理这些东西这么费精力,一个Issue除去阅读的时间,整理+打字就要三四个小时(插一句,我是读过Taking Sides的, 一个Issue读起来就要三四个小时)。我是个惜时如金的人,几次想要放弃,但觉得话都放出去了我不能中途撤退了,就还是硬着头皮继续。坚持做下去还是有收获的。”
最后说一句,最近因为在做Media的实习,重新回味神剧The Newsroom。嗯,谁又不想成为Will McAvoy呢。