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Angela’s leading man
Start with Europe. This week’s speech was brimming over with ideas, including a shared military budget and an agency for “radical innovation”, as well as the desire to strengthen the euro zone. At one level, Mr Macron’s bid for the role of intellectual innovator in Europe fits a long French tradition. Moreover, elements of his speech—a new carbon-tax on the EU’s frontiers, a proposal to tax foreign tech firms where they make money rather than where they are registered, a crusade against “social dumping” with harmonised corporate tax rates—were in keeping with long-standing French attempts to stop member states competing “disloyally” against each other.
harmonise: 动词,和谐,相一致。
crusade: 名词,十字军东征,改革运动。
leading man: 男主角。
brim over with: 满溢。
bid for: 争取,企图获得。
social dumping: 社会倾销。一般说社会倾销是指一个国家将本国的劳动力成本保持在低水平以形成出口竞争优势。这里所说的社会倾销是指一个国家通过低公司税率吸引跨国公司在该国投资设厂生产产品以保持竞争优势。
Yet Mr Macron has a more subtle and radical goal than old-style dirigisme; as if to prove it, he agreed this week that Alstom, which makes high-speed trains, could drift from state influence by merging with its private-sector German rival. His aim is to see off populism by striking a balance between providing job security for citizens, on the one hand, and encouraging them to embrace innovation, which many fear will cost them their jobs, on the other. In his speech Mr Macron also made the case for digital disruption and the completion of the digital single market. Euro-zone reform would make Europe less vulnerable to the next financial crisis.
dirigisme: 名词,这个单词源自法语diriger,指政府对国民经济进行干预或统制的经济体制。
populism: 名词,民粹主义,平民主义。
see off: 送行,送别。
strike a balance: 公平处理,寻求平衡。
make the case for: 证明,提供理由。