With everything that’s going on in the world, it’s no wonder many of us have sleep problems. It’s normal at night, especially when stress is keeping you up. Simple steps can help you sleep well. For example, set the comfortable temperature and turn off screens 30 minutes before bed. Here are more easy ways for you.
Test your pillow. If you bought your pillow in 2020, it’s already old. Experts suggest buying a new one instead. You’d better replace it every one to two years. If not, it can cause neck pain. When your brain senses the pain, you can’t sleep well.
Get an hour of sunlight each day. Morning sunlight is useful for good sleep. It tells your brain that it’s time to be awake. It also makes you feel fresh in the morning. It’s necessary to get about 30 minutes’ direct light and two 15-minute outdoor breaks during the day. And the sunlight is helpful to have a good sleep at night.
Keep salty snacks away before bed. In a study, researchers followed 32l patients with high-salt food and sleep problems for 12 weeks. “More salt woke up people more often to go to the bathroom at night” one researcher says. “When people cut down on salt, their toilet trips were fewer than before.”
Deal with your troubles before dinner. If you need to do with your troubles, don’t wait until night. It’s better to solve them before dinner. Sharing them with friends is a good way. Some researches show that going to bed peacefully makes you sleep better and be joyful the next morning.