Level2 Unit2 Part3
Listening-Ben's Weekly Schedule
This is Ben's weekly schedule.
On weekdays, he goes to school from 8:00 until 3:30.
He usually has basketball practice after school.
On Monday, his team practices for 2 hours.
They practice from 3:45 until 5:45.
On Tuesdays and Thursdays, they practice for an hour and a half.
They finish practicing around 5:15.
On Wednesdays they practice until 6:00.
On Fridays, they have a short practice.
They finish at 5:00, so he can go home early.
On Saturday, they have their games.
They play against other schools.
The games are in the afternoon.
This year, their team isn't doing well.
Their record is 3 wins and 4 losses.
Ben never has practice on Sundays.
On Sundays he does homework.
In the afternoon he and his family spend time together.
Sometimes they watch a movie.
Sometimes they just stay at home.
Ben likes to play chess with his father.
His father is a good chess player.