1.Warm up.
1.DDP 85%
world No.1
2.District timeline.
-submit club visiting report each month.
-May conference.Nominate new leader.
floor canidates.
-review DCP status each month.one point solution for how to achieve DCP.
-5 online exco meeting next .
Attendant rate is imp.for Division of the year.
2018will be District over 100 clubs. will split again.
Allingment chair Kenneth Wang.
1.COT online.
target 350,finally 450+
We are selling TM,not tickets.
Sammual,Loe Ma.
January.8 division COT,1 online COT.
HZ Conference.550 tickets.Now
Jessie award chair.p
-New clubs
-club visiting.
-New club forum.
-Jan 8.pM .range 300 people. .198yuan.
TM International RA training.CEO level,how TM will contribute to .
Company clubs.
TTT,AAC in SHA.Invite...to give workshop.