2018-10-25 Hedge Fund Master by Ari Kiev - Part 1 What's Mastery


Hedge Fund Masters: How Top Hedge Fund Traders Set Goals, Overcome Barriers, and Achieve Peak Performance 翻译过来是 对冲基金大师:顶级交易员如何制定目标、克服困难并收获成功 不过我看的就是英文版的电子书然后淘宝联系打印,还蛮便宜的。中文这个翻译我不确定质量咋样,另外也没有货,感觉英文原版更有味道些。 这本大概267页,我花了周末零零散散也有两个下午的时间读完的,真是意犹未尽。




关于心理构造:这里推荐看一下马克·道格拉斯的《交易心理分析》,这里比较初步的讲了如何建议一个适合交易的心理架构,比如你这里提到的“抱有侥幸心理扩大止损”,这就是对止损的心理架构没有完善,你要清楚:1、为什么要设置止损 2、为什么要设置小止损,这样在心理层面能给我带来哪些“优势”。简单说,小止损让你在下次下单前知道,即使这一次错了对资金的影响也可接受,这样就不会再面对该做的机会时犹犹豫豫,事后又悔不当初,大部分的“知易行难”本质还是认识不够深刻。等你完成了初步的心理建设,可以看《对冲基金大师》这本书,是华尔街最著名的对冲基金的心理辅导师之一阿里·基辅写的,只不过国内不太找的到,英文可以的,可以看原文书《Hedge Fund Masters:How Top Hedge Fund Traders Set Goals,Overcome Barriers,and Achieve Peak Performance》,百度里有PDF版的。


主要三部分: 第一部分是什么是精通(What's Mastery), 第二部分你怎样达到精通(How do you get there),第三部分是什么在阻挡你(What's in the way ?).

Chapter 1: What's Master


Ultimately mastery is about adaptation, not just about learning a specific
set of skills. This kind of adaptation requires willingness to face and
to conquer internal psychological issues, fears, and uncertainty. A master
trader learns to adapt to changing requirements of the marketplace as
well as to deal with the psychological factors underlying the development
and maintenance of mastery.

这里采访里讲到了交易者不应该过多关注在金钱的得失P&L(Profit & Loss), 老是关注这些东西容易让你开始失去纪律凭情感用事,你会让自己变成一个业余者一样被情绪控制而且变得高度紧张。

Mastery is a set of skills and exercises that enables you to become
more fully absorbed in the processes of your life and work, not to obtain
power or prestige but to maximize your performance.

继而讲到了如何形成远见(Formulating a vision) 一个具体可行的目标。加强过程(Enhancing the process)

If you are going to attempt to reach the shores of mastery, you must
be more focused on navigating the trade waters than on whether you’ll be
hailed as a hero afterward. You’ll know you are approaching mastery
when you:
• Are able to endure high levels of tension.
• Are able to monitor your anxiety and control it.
• Are comfortable about expressing aggression and being venturesome,
bold, self-assured, and uninhibited.
• Are realistic about your abilities.
Can overcome obstacles of fear, self-doubt, and lack of confidence
when they interfere with accomplishment of the goal.
• Are able to tune out distractions and focus on one thing at a time.
• Can establish and stick to goals and set priorities, and have the capacity
to mentally visualize the trade so as to formulate a game plan to
respond to events.
• Feel in balance within yourself with immediate awareness or controlled
• Rely on a minimization of defensiveness, such as rationalization, concealment,
blocking, and “passing the buck.”


Simply put, you’ll need a self-awareness that allows
you to change.


The value of trading fully in this present moment is that you, like
these traders, can see how much of your trading is a reflection of your
unconscious inclination to resist being as fully engaged in the opportunities
available to you as is possible. Of course, when you do this you come
face-to-face with your own resistance as well as with the resistance of


Of course, while there is no one formula for success, you will find
there are a number of common denominators that master traders all share
and that can be learned. One is the skill of self-observation—the ability to
stand outside oneself and allow the “perfect trader” within to function
naturally and freely. The more comfortable you are, the more subtle your
own moves can be so that you can learn to respond and react to events
with minimal efforts rather than with excessive or strained efforts that
can easily tax your energy and strength. This requires careful monitoring
of your mental state so that you can react and move calmly in the face of
competition, failure, or stress. The more you can learn to control the
direction of your attention, the more effective you will be in controlling
your actions and your performance.

The master trader recognizes that when things aren’t working, it is
invariably because he has failed to follow his basic strategy. Mastery is
about continuity, staying in touch with your discipline and adapting as
well as you can to changes in the market when that is possible.

这些纪律还有自我观察,让情绪脱离,正是冥想的好处 - 高度的自我意识和内省。

Chapter 2: Developing a vision

第二章Developing a vision. 大概讲的正是我们从小到大养成的一些认知成见,会让我们处于信息接收的不对称面,我们会有偏见,不愿意敞开接收新的观点或视角,可能来自小时候的影响或者其他的,但是这些容易我们封闭。

The truth is, the events of the world are neutral. The only meaning they
have is what you attribute to them. If you accept your world as being without
meaning, and view your thoughts also without meaning, you can begin
to experience the world as it really is. To put it in abstract terms, the world
you see doesn’t exist. You created it with your thoughts. All those things
you are nervous about don’t exist either. What you think you see is produced
in your mind by those early life experiences. By grasping the idea of
the Life Principle, you have begun to discard your self-imposed limits.
Now, your aim is a simple one: to live in the present.

To become a master, you must live from your core. That is where your
hidden potential, your creative energies, your personal power reside. If
you strip yourself of the past, you can learn to trust your intrinsic worth,
the inherent value of your instincts.

At the center, all human beings share a capacity for compassion and
love, courage and abundance. This center is the source of all the qualities
that differentiate you from other species. Get in touch with it, and release
a tremendous sense of your potential.


Vision allows you to deal with uncertainty. It gives you conviction in
the face of an unpredictable universe.
This is the realm of mastery—functioning without certainty based on nothing but commitment to the vision.

The purpose of choosing a vision is to establish a set of standards or
objectives around which to measure your performance. When I use the
word vision, I don’t mean just a bigger P in your P&L (profit and loss) but
a willingness to examine what isn’t working— to recognize how unconsciously
you are approaching things and how tolerant you have become of
mediocrity because you are not looking at the results and measuring your
performance against them.

Originating in the deepest levels of your being, your unique vision is
what you want for the future. It is your passion, your dream, what you really
want to do with your trading, the results you want to achieve, how you
see yourself.

Traders must learn to step into the abyss and risk themselves. Indeed,this is the key to mastery. You must take the steps before there is certainty
or even confidence, trusting that the results will invariably evolve after
you step into the unknown.



The goal also helps to set up targets for
profit taking so that at the point you reach your target number you are
reminded to take profits and not get so caught up in the euphoria of the
moment that you stay in a trade out of greed when you should be exiting.
Trading in terms of a larger vision, relaxing and letting the vision draw you
into the future, is different from setting the goal and worrying about reaching
it or defining yourself in terms of your P&L.

euphoria精神快感,因为这个短暂的快感让你变得贪婪,所以你要学会拒绝instant gratification.

The lesson of mastery is
that you have the power to consciously choose your assumptions, and thus
ultimately create your results.

The solution involves conscious goals, regular diary keeping so as
to be able to review the process and some of the attempts made to
anticipate events and to mentally rehearse how the game will be
played in contrast to how it is usually played.


Therefore, much of your trouble with the markets may stem from your
interpretation of it, rather than from the reality of it. You don’t see reality
as it is; you see what you believe.
Such an interpretation of events leads to
reactive decisions that prevent you from dealing effectively with events,
create stress, and produce maladaptive responses ranging from overtrading
to total withdrawal from trading. For example, if you are accustomed
to thinking of yourself in terms of certain old images, you may not be totally
absorbed in the action currently before you. Excessive concern with
self-image and self-importance can interfere with the clarity of mind you
need for maximum concentration. Paying too much attention to your own
ego or the opinions of others can divert your attention, fostering avoidance
or hesitation. It can stir up excessive ambitions. All of this feeds your anxiety
and makes you tense.

Even when you talk to others, you may be seeking confirmation of
your own beliefs, not objective appraisal of the facts. Always consider the
extent to which you are being influenced in your trading by your interpretations,
beliefs, past failures, and justifications rather than by a decision to
create results in terms of a positive vision. This is the challenge of mastery,
which is ultimately about seeing reality through the prism of truth rather
than through your longstanding belief systems.


Getting traders to embrace the unknown is both crucial and tricky.
Picture the cartoon character Road Runner running full tilt beyond the lip
of a cliff; the bird gets to the opposite cliff only if he does not stop to look
down at the abyss beneath him. While you as a creative trader may yearn
for clarity in the face of uncertainty, you probably rarely find it. The nature
of markets is that they are uncertain.
It takes persistence and hard work to
maintain your equilibrium and to stay on target toward your goals in the
face of such uncertainty. Sometimes, you may sense enormous tension and
a desire to insulate yourself from your experiences. My view is that you
can gain considerable strength from allowing yourself to experience the
tension. I call it “living in the gap.”



Periodically glance at the results to see whether
you are on target and keep course-correcting, but do not become so
attached to results that they interfere with your total absorption in
the task at hand. All of this is easier said than done. Let your actions be
governed by the result, but let go of the result. Just take action. Keep
repeating it. Gradually, something will emerge from your actions that will
be a reflection of the objective you were seeking but without trying to
seek it.
This sounds paradoxical, but it is the only way to enter fully into
the next moment.


听起来很矛盾,让“事情”自然而然从你的实践过程中浮现出来, 这个“事情”是你要追求目标的一个倒影,但是你不能时刻拿手去抓(水中倒影,何必强求),而不要去刻意或者过度强调追求某个金额或者某个数字或者咋样。

Money is just by product of process.

This is ultimate mastery—to have a goal so as to help you determine what your strategy is and what you need to do each day to realize it, at the same time as you are able to let go of all attachment to the result.


This is important. A great book to read is Zen in the Art of Archery
(Vintage, 1999), by Eugene Herrigel, who studied archery with a master
in Japan for five years. At the end of his time in Japan, he realized
that he didn’t even have to look at the target since it wasn’t about
hitting the target. He can hit the target with his eyes closed. It’s all
about being in the right position internally and allowing the arrow to
be released from the pull-back position without putting any consciousness
on the release of the arrow. You let go of the arrow, and
it surprises you. It goes without anything impinging on the arrow to
misdirect it. This is how to really be in the markets, to be unattached.

是的,我记得Chat with Traders 这里EP 082: How to become the trader you wish you were w/ Futures Trader 71讲到他的目标不是赚多少钱或者达到某个数字,而是寻求一种跟市场的alignment, 摸到市场的脾气,一种内外的和谐,自己内心和市场的步调一致的默契。

Strive for always being in market alignment, futures traders!


Mastery helps you to stop trying to control the future and to simply
step into the next moment. The goal is a context to help you discover yourself
by following the path of least resistance. Make the calls. Stop struggling.
Separate actions from results. Don’t fold results into actions such
that you hesitate in your actions because you are uncertain about whether the results will be forthcoming. Just let the results act as the guide to the actions. Measure your results, but refine the approach.

Do not collapse your results into your identity. Don’t get egotistical
about good results, and don’t belittle yourself because you haven’t produced
results. Focus on the challenge. Figure out what is needed and wanted,
and then figure out a way of handling the issues. The purpose of mastery
is to express yourself fully, not so much to “get something.”


注重过程,放下自尊,放下别的行业那些成功经验,集中在当下的挑战, 活在当下,结果随缘。


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