Reverse psychology: Trump in Davos
① America's president will speak at the World Economic Forum in Davos today.
② The conference, which costs tens of thousands of dollars to attend, is an annual hobnobbing session for precisely the kind of plutocrats whom Mr Trump lambasted during his campaign for office.
③ He will probably tell his audience that his "America first" agenda is good for the world as a whole.
④ Mr Trump has not yet implemented the sweeping protectionist measures that he once promised, nor undermined global institutions to the extent once feared.
⑤ Instead he has focused on tax cuts and deregulation at home.
⑥ Meanwhile, the global economy is as strong as it has been since before the 2008 financial crisis.
⑦ However, Steven Mnuchin, America's treasury secretary, warned attendees on Wednesday that there was "more to come" on trade, after America imposed tariffs on imported washing machines and solar panels.
⑧ Davos man cannot rest easy yet.
reverse psychology /rɪˈvəːs/: 反向心理(学);逆反心理(学)
hobnob /ˈhɒbnɒb/: vi.(与名人、要人)亲近;过从甚密
plutocrat /ˈpluːtəkrat/: n. 富豪;财阀
lambaste /læmˈbæst/: vt. 猛烈批判;抨击(也可以写作 lambast)
implement /ˈɪmplɪmɛnt/: vt. 实施
sweeping /ˈswiːpɪŋ/: adj. 彻底的;广泛的
protectionist /prəˈtɛkʃ(ə)nɪst/: adj. 贸易保护主义的 n. 贸易保护主义者
deregulation /diːrɛɡjʊˈleɪʃ(ə)n/: n. 撤销管制
tariff /ˈtarɪf/: n. 关税
solar panel: 太阳能板
panel /ˈpan(ə)l/: n.(专家)小组
rest / sleep easy: 高枕无忧