阿甘正传 第二章 06
> 然后,有一天,发生了一件事,把这一切也改变了。当时我在餐厅里刚取了饭菜,走过去坐在珍妮·柯伦旁边。我真不愿意说,不过她可以算是学校里我唯一半生不熟的朋友,而且跟她坐在一起的感觉真好。她大半时间不注意我,都在跟别人聊天。我起初都跟球员们坐在一起,可是他们的态度好像我是隐形人什么的。起码珍妮·柯伦当作有我这么个人。但是过了一阵子,我开始留意到另外一个家伙也常出现,而且他开始拿我耍嘴皮子,说什么“笨蛋好吗?”之类的屁话。这种情况持续了一两个星期,我始终没吭声,但是后来我终于说话了——到现在我还没法相信我说了那句话——我说:“我不是笨蛋。”那家伙一个劲儿瞪着我,然后哈哈大笑。珍妮·柯伦就叫那家伙闭嘴,可是他拿了一纸盒鲜奶倒在我大腿上,我跳起来跑出去,因为我吓坏了。
> Then one day a event happen that changed all that too. In the cafeteria I had started gettin my food and goin over to sit next to Jenny Curran. I wouldn't say nothin, but she was jus bout the only person in the school I knew halfways, and it felt good setting there with her. Most of the time she didn't pay me no attention, an talked with other people. At first I'd been settin with some of the football players, but they acted like I was invisible or somethin. At least Jenny Curran acted like I was there. But after a while of this, I started to notice this other guy was there a lot too, and he starts makin wisecracks bout me. Sayin shit like "How's Dumbo?" an all. And this gone on for a week or two, and I was sayin nothin, but finally I says— I can't hardly believe I said it even now—but I says, "I ain't no Dumbo," and the guy just looked at me and starts laughin. And Jenny Curran, she says to the guy to keep quiet, but he takes a carton of milk and pours it in my lap and I jump up and run out cause it scares me.