

bungee jump


rock climbing 


adrenaline rush

adrenaline junkies like to do extreme sports

I'm afraid of heights


The number of players is 11

kick/shoot the ball into the goal

The game has two halves of 45 minutes

To score (a point) the player must shoot the ball in the basket

The score 20 -10

To serve in badminton you throw the shuttlecock in the air and hit it over the net.

hit: strike, beat, whack, smack

run: sprint, dash, jog

throw: fling, toss, hurl, heave

jump: leap, hop, vault

kick: punt, dribble

catch: grab, grasp, seize

When you shatter the backboard you get 10 points. 

They are very thrilling

It's vertical

bungee jumping

abseiling / rock climbing




soccer (US) / football (UK)



This morning (instead of 'today morning')


serve (tennis)








A team has 5 people (plural of 'person')

If the ball goes through the hoop / net / hole

The only time we use 'persons' in English is in formal contracts.

synonym (different word with the same meaning)

There is only one goalkeeper in each team.

There are two goalkeepers on the pitch

The basic rules is no cheating.

They are separated by a net.

throw / hurl / shoot

run / sprint / jog / walk

hit / strike / push

Ireadthis word in an article (pronounced as 'red' in the past)

They also come from one end of the court to the other

When the game starts you should jump to the other end of the pitch.

They should jump to the opposite side of the pitch

How does a team win? (team sport)

They would get 2 points

The team that gets 5 points is the winner.

Each teamhas(third person singular)


Target Language


Features: wallpaper, drapes, headboard, fireplace

Descriptions: cozy, elegant, gorgeous, authentic, retro, fully furnished


Multiple adjectives + noun: stylish, retro wallpaper; cozy, fully furnished room

Good Examples:


As you can see (our) house needs an ad

So we can say we have a spacious bedroom (although) the wallpaper is really old

But (it's not conveniently ) located as it's far from the city

So we (can say) it's (tranquil) with fresh air.


You (do) have large rooms

Maybe we can say the (wall paper) is retro

I think the headboard (could be described as) very (decorative/classy)


This is a (little far our ) from the city but (you can have more space and luxury) and simply get the subway or bus which are both convenient.

It is also cheaper than most accommodation downtown

You can enjoy a comfortable environment

It has a (clean, minimalist style which a touch of luxury and you can enjoy sunshine filled views from your bedroom.

(Due to it's scenic views) it's price will increase unless (you can commit to it for a significant amount of time.

The house comes with all thefurniture you need

Thereis a lot of furniture

The head board could be described as decorative

Rent out your room

Coco: I have a room near the subway station so you can go downtown in 30 mins. It is furnished. It has lot of space and is bright.

Fang: I'd like to offer you my fully-furnished room. It is has basic facilities such as the water and electricity, I can offer you for free

Jady: My apartment is very close to a bus station. I have two bedrooms, one bathroom, a kitchen and a balcony. The building distance is very far so that means there will be nothingthat willblock your sunshine.

Vincent: My room has a living room, two bedrooms and a kitchen. The rooms and bathroom are very bright in the day time. It is very convenient for people to takethe subway and public transportation.

Yonghong: It has all kindsof electric appliances like a TV, washing machinesand refrigerator. Very close to the subway and neartheshopping center. It is near the high school and primary school.

Lillian: It will suitalady or suitable(suit) man because it has one room. It is equipped with a lot of furnitures (furniture).


I promised to take him to the Zoo.- Sunny

I'm so sorry. - Cindy

It's not a good news

should be

It is not good news.

And she felt angry.

should be

And she got angry.

I went a friend party.

should be

I went to friends party.


1. picking on all his weak points to make himself look good

2. He says he didn’t realize what he was doing.

3. on quite good terms but not as friends

Target language:

Apologies:I’m so sorry.; I didn’t realize what I was doing; I guess I could have been more aware of what I was saying.; Look, I know it was wrong of me to be like that; I guess I could’ve done more to support you in front of the boss; Would you please forgive me?; I promise I’ll make it up to you.


Good sentences

The man is answering the phone during the breakfast and the woman is showing a rude gesture, I think both of them are rude

You should not answer a phone during a meal, if its an emergency you can leave the table and tell the partner why you need to answer can call

I recently saw someone spitting on the ground and I think its a bad manner

Talking loudly in public is a bad manner, for example in my work we share a big open space, sometimes my colleagues have meetings without headphones and its noisy

Letting the woman go in first is a good manner

It is polite to hold he door open for someone

It is polite to stand up when someone talks to you

Its somewhat offensive to swear at somebody

Standing up when someone is talking to you is overly polite

It is somewhat offensive to point at someone

Grammar tips (RED =incorrect, Blue =correct)

To show her angry to the man RATHER SAY To show her anger to the man

He will prevent others from infected RATHER SAY He will prevent others from being infected

Your good answers: 

WL: The person is being not polite when you have dinner with other people you shouldn't talk too much phone. //The person is not being polite

AA: I think this behavior is not polite, that is to say rude because if you have lunch/ dinner withthe friends you should respectfor each other... if thetelephoneis not very urgent.. //if the phone call

LC: The man is answering the phone... I think both of them are rude

FF: In China it's impolite to answer the phone while eating...

Intro Task

EC: Recently I saw some bad manners. I saw some man spewed on the ground in public. I just feel sick //Spit

LC: For example in my work we share a big open space sometimes my colleague have a meeting without headphones, its noisy. //Sometimes my colleague has a meeting on loudspeaker and that is noisy for everyone else.

WL: Actually there are many good manners around us for example I saw a man smoking in smoking areaswhen he saw a pregnant woman or kids he stopped smoking at once. //Actually there are many people with good manners around us.. I saw a man smoking in a smoking area but when he saw a pregnant women or kids he stopped smoking at once.

JC: Yesterday when I was on a subway and a man sitting next to me he was watching a video. the sound of the video was very loud and he didn't wear a headphone or a earphone and it was very annoying. //Yesterday when I was on the subway, a man sitting next to me was watching a video. The sound of the video was very loud because he wasn't wearing any headphones and this was very annoying...

AA: Anyone disturb others in that manner is not good manners, that is to say bad manners.... we were talking about something private but a man came to our table suddenly and very quickly participated in our dialogue..I don't know how to feel back to him//Anyone that disturbs others in such a manner I didn't know how to react to him

FF: He just asked me about my private information such as income and marital status...I felt a little scared so I just smiled...

In China we have so many table manners and we should learn how to use chopsticks, the chopsticks are not supposed to point at anyone...


Extremely rude

Somewhat offensive

Very polite

WL: Unacceptable

Good and bad manners

Say please and thank you

Cut in line

Cover your mouth when you cough

WL: Point at someone

LC: Running red light

Speeding everywhere

Smoking in public

AA: Jumping the queue. Grabbing the seat in the bus or on the subway. Speaking loudly in public.

EC: Criticizing someone too directly - pointing at someone

LC: spitting everywhere


LC: It's somewhat offensive to swear at somebody

FF: It's somewhat offensive to point at someone.

WL: It's polite to stand up when someone talks to you

LC: It's polite to hold the door open for someone

JC: I will think it's somewhat offensive to point at someone but my grandparents would think it's totally unacceptable to point at someone

Final Task


EC: I wonder is it rude to talk during dinner in the family? //Is it rude to talk while you're eating

WL: Yes, I think it's rude


WL: My parents always said that it's not polite behavior

EC: But in my family it happens...


famous-  known and recognized by many people

seating plan- A seating plan is a diagram or a set of written or spoken instructions that determines where people should take their seats.


》Phrasal verbs: get along; look up to; put up with; lay into; chat up; hit it off; fall out; back out; catch up; call off; fall through; etc

get along- If two or more people get along, they like each other and are friendly to each other

》look up to-have a great deal of respect for (someone).

》put up with- tolerate/put up with someone/something definition: to be willing to accept someone or something that is unpleasant or not desirable

》lay into- to attack someone physically or with cruel words because you are angry with them.

chat up-an act of talking flirtatiously to someone.

Answers to task:

A. Sales manager - 3

B. Bob - 4

C. Jim – 6

D. Lucy – 5

E. Phil – 2

F. Julie - 1

Zeng: his CEO of big company (no)

he is a CEO of a big company (yes)

the communicate each other (no)

they will communicate with each other (yes)

I made a seating plan last month. thee were two CEOs and I put them next  to each other

Huangchao (Alan): I would like near him (no)

I would like to seat next to him (yes)

I like to near the famous people (no)

I would like to be near famous people (yes)

i understand your mean (no)

I understand what you are saying (yes)

I have made a seating plan before, I made a seating plan for my wedding

friend coming this wedding (no)

my friends came to my wedding (yes)

Grace:the famous people name is Mr Wu my company boss (no)

I would like to sit next to Mr Wu, my boss (yes)

I like to sit him because he is very success (no)

I would like to sit next to him because he is very successful (yes)

Please practice the correct pronunciation of the word –family

family people would like to sit a table, they are know each other (no)

I put families on the same table because they know each other (yes)

GOOD description of lay into

People drink too much in parties and end up laying into each other after drinking alcohol

we can put job for d (no)

we can put John on d (yes)

Tingting: I would like to sit next to the president of China, I think he runs the country well and I would like to show my respect to him

I didn't made a seating plan for my company (no)

I haven't made a seating plan for a company (yes)

I made the older people sitting away from the door (no)

I put older people far away from the door(yes)

Good description of "get along"

I will put people who get along well on the same table

Mr Hashimoto is the guest of honor.so I think he should sit in the middle.

Phrasal verbs - verbs, adverbs, and prepositions in a phrase that have a different mean from the individual words.

Lesson Language

Get along - be compatible, work well together

Look up to - admire, respect

Put up with - tolerate, accept, endure 

Lay into - scold, reprimand

Chat up - try to get on someone’s good side

Hit it off - gets along with everyone

Pick it up

Back out

Fall out

Back out

Catch up

Call off

Fall through

Fall out - argument /  disagreement 

**Matt and Tim had a fall out about the money. 

Back out - withdraw/change your mind

**I need to back out, I am not feeling well. 

Catch up - talking with someone you haven't seen in a long time.

**Lisa met Kim for lunch, so they could catch up.

Call off - cancel 

**Please call off the meeting I won’t be able to attend.

Fall through - something didn’t work out

**There was a fall out in negotiat




I prefer to do this (infinitve)

I prefer doing this (gerund)

I suggest someone does something about the situation...

Cosmopolitan:including people from many different countries.


Gerund: je-rund

Cosmopolitan: coz-mo-po-litan


I am a mother of two kids.. NOT I am a two kids mother...

I have never been there as a student.. NOT As a student I never go to there..

My boss is crazy about Japanese culture.. NOT My boss is craze for the Japanese culture..

He has never been to Tiananmen Square and I would like to take him here... NOT He never been to Tiananmen  square and I want to take him to there...

The places I would like to visit the most are Europe and Australia.. NOT  Most I want to go is the city is go to the Europe

The main reason I want to visit these countries is so that I can improve my English...

I have never visited places  with historical buildings..


Target Language: 


Book genres: horror, romance, mystery, science fiction, biography, autobiography, fiction, nonfiction, travel

Your good responses:

Zhang (Jerry): "I like history. I think poetry is boring, because I don't like poetry. Hardly anyone reads sci-fiction these days. ...but in my opinion I think people hardly to read sci-fi. I don't understand why anyone likes horror. You know I am scared of horror books. Maybe I cannot go to sleep at night."

You said, "I always thinking history repeat itself so we can understand it from the history." (third person present, missing word, word choice)

Rather say, "I believe history repeats itself so we can understand things that reoccur from the history."

 You said, "I think the writer of the poetry maybe have difference feeling for the modern people. Sometimes we admire them but in the modern society we cannot imagine the life be happened." (verb form, missing word, word choice)

Rather say, "I think ancient/historical poetry may have difference feelings, experiences and expressions compared to modern people. Sometimes we admire them but in modern society we cannot imagine how their lives were"

You said, "Romance is very popular in my country because many TV series the same related to romance have good reputation." (word choice, plural form)

Rather say, "Romance is very popular in my country because many TV series that are related to romance have good reputations."

 You said, "I love to relax with travel writing because the travel writing can make you understand many different areas which you didn't go, that will maybe extend your sight." (missing word, word choice)

Rather say, "I love to relax with travel writing because it can get you to imagine many different places which you haven't visited before that may expand your horizon. "

You said, "I am not sure what this is the situation which I mentioned which is very rare, " (word choice, delete word)

Rather say, "I am not sure if what I mentioned is true but I think it's rare, "


 Austin: "I think murder mystery is boring. Because it's horrible. Romance is very popular in my country. I love to relax with poetry. Hardly anyone reads horror these days. I don't understand why anyone likes drama."

You said, "The travel movie can take me many places." (plural form, delete the', preposition)

Rather say, "Travel movies/writing can take me to many places."

 You said, "So I can enjoy the scenery and open my eyes, let me have a relax." (word choice, delete word)

Rather say, "So I can enjoy the scenery and open my eyes and just relax."

You said, "I am scared by the plot of the murder mystery." (word order, plural form, preposition, delete word)

Rather say, "I am scared of murder mystery plots"

 You said, "When I was young many romance TV series dramas was put on TV." (subject-verb agreement, past simple tense, missing word)

Rather say, "When I was young many romance TV series and dramas were put on TV."

You said, "Because for me poetry I can get the wisdom of the XXX people and the poetry describe the wisdom of people and poetry can give us a smooth feeling." (word choice, delete word)

Rather say, "Because for me poetry can give us ancient wisdom and poetry can give us a smooth feeling."


drama, murder, novel, children, cartoon, humor, satire, history, historical novel, economics, financial, fashion, detective/police, thrillers, action novels, psychological thrillers,

horror, romance, mystery, science fiction, biography, autobiography, fiction, nonfiction, travel

Present tense: I read (reed) every day.

Past tense: I read (red) a book last week.


Target language


Adjectives to describe personality:decisive, organized, curious, sympathetic, assertive, self-sacrificing, egocentric, timid, selfish, apathetic, disorganized, indecisive, uninterested


Expressing personal opinion:I'm convinced that; If you ask me; It's obvious that; As far as I'm concerned

Expressing agreement:I couldn't agree more; I entirely agree; We see eye to eye

Expressing disagreement:Do you really think so?; I would have to argue with you; We'll have to agree to disagree

Introducing an opposing point:I take your point, but; I see what you mean, but; Possibly, but on the other hand

I see the positive side however, __________.

Henry: I believe

Henry: Yeah, you are right; I think so; I agree with you; I have the same idea; I totally agree

Sunny: I agree with you; I'm the same of your opinion

I am of the same opinion

Sunny: I'm sorry, I disagree with you

Henry: I don't agree; I'm not the same page with you

I'm not on the same page as you

Sunny:If you ask me, I think... for the HR department, because it looks like it's so friendly.

Henry: I'm not sure I totally understand what you mean. You said the human resource specialist should friendly to other people?

Sunny: Yes

Henry: Yeah, you are right.In my opinion,not only friendly, but also professional, sympathetic for employees, and also need to organize theirself.

Sunny: Yes, I agree

Henry: I think the environmental engineer should have patience and good education background.









Hard Working















I'm afraid that...

How about another suggestion....

In my opinion.....

I agree with you, but....

I don't think so.....

I think....








Luo (arrow):

I will like to jumping ropes. >>I like to jump rope.

I believe wishes can come true. We can represent our visions to a star, it is a way of expressing our wishes and we may try to make the wishes come true with real effort.

Almost every child will have different wishes at different ages, When I was a child, I liked apples and I wished for an apple garden so I can eat them everyday.

Now my dream is to be betteronmy job >>at my job.

Of course it is true. I wont have to get up early and sleep late because of my job. I will enough time to rest and then I can help my family members realize their dreams and we can go where ever we want.


As you long as you work hard at it, i believe it will come true. It depends on howrealisticthe wish is.

In the past 2 years, I have been busy with yoga and I want to get a certificate to be part time, Because of work I didn't have enough time so I gave up for now.

Is it possible to do your certification part time and practice and your yoga?

I take classes at EF center on the weekends.

It is true. i think recently i work overtime. i don't have more time so I wish my boss would give us less work.


Some wishes are easier to come true because they depend on oureffortsbut some wishes are hardly come true because they are in ourimagination.

I wish i had a lot of money because I want to travel around the world. In my future life ismorebetter than now. My life will improve a lot.

In the future my life will be better than now.

more good = better

more better = best

Good >> Better >> Best

Shooting starts because it is hard to see a shooting star.

This is false for me, I am already tall I am 1,7 meters tall. I don't want to be taller.


Some wishes an come true but some can't.

This kind of wish can't come true. It depend s on kind of wish it is.

I wished i would be a scientist in the future, When i was older, i wished i could be a successful  businesswoman and have a lot money.

Now, i wish to be young and beautiful forever.

Why do you like to young forever?

I don't want to retire, i want to work I am energetic.

I can be young in my mind at least.

I think you should be efficient and work over and get up early so you can get more time.

It is true, I wish i was a famous teacher. i am always for that. i wish I was the most popular teacher for the students. It is coming true.

I am learning to help the kids by walking in their shoes.


In myopinion, a wish can come true. Most of the wishes can come true.

Are you saying they can come true only if you truly believe they will come true.

If you work hard on your wish it will come true.

If you learn English hard, your English will be good.

When i was young I wanted to be a policeman but I did not achieve it.

-For now my wish is to travel around the world.

good luck is unrealistic.

What if you wore a jacket and every time you wear you have good fortune?

I would thing it is good luck

Do you believe in coincidences?

I believe in coincident.

Yes it is true for me. I can't sing. My voice is bad and I don't anything about music. I know a little about melody.

I don't want to be famous, i just want to play an  instrument.


If it is some practical ideas, i believe that there is their own effort and give some one good opportunities then the wishes can come true.

I don't have big wish like my classmates but when I was incollegeI wanted to travel to Cities in my country. After graduating, 5 years later I have travelled to 20 cities in China.

Do you still have more cities to visit?

College [ko- ledge]

How would you make more time? Is it possible?

I will finish my day work as soon as possible. I will have more time to do what i want to do.

I think it is true. I like speaking English very well but now I have a little bit of difficulty and I wish I can speak with foreign people very well.


Topic: Expanding your vocabulary

(Haibo (Bob)) I think in my daily work I usually use currently actually to be honest solving problems

(Siren (Cara)) In my daily speaking I think I use OK very much.

(Grace) In my daily I think it's okay yes no thank you

(Wei) I think the words I use all the time you know I see I got it I understand

(Bob) I think it's very important to expand my vocabulary because when I think when I meet a problem I would like to meet the root cause of the problem. When I can't understand the word that means I can't understand the root cause of the problem

(Cara) I think every words have expressed our emotion just like when you say it's good excellent it's different meaning. It can help express ourself more efficiently In China there's no word to express in that way so you have to learn that

(Grace) I think the vocabulary is very important because in the article we don't know the vocabulary or word's meaning so I can't understand the article's meaning. My foreign friends maybe he asked me a question I can't understand the words meaning

(Wei) Expand your vocabulary is very important as the first the more vocabulary you have you have more opportunity to understand what others are saying. If you have more vocabulary you can speak more fluently and you won't stuck and to thinking about what you say

(Bob) To be honest on my weekend I use Chinese. Maybe I have difficulty to communicate with my foreign colleague such as they always need me to solve the problem as soon as possible.

(Cara) In my weekend I don't like to go shopping I go stay up too late I always have a relax when I have a stressful week I have a relax. One part of relax is make a deep clean of my house it will make me feel relax. I will be close to nature or share the sunshine in the outside and reading it make me relax in the mentally

(Grace) Actually on the weekend I seldom use English words to communicate I just use Chinese words with my coworks or friends but on the weekend I usually stay alone at home I listening to music at night it can let me relaxed seldom I go shopping with my friends or coworkers with my close friends I talk about I talk a little bit I use my hand sign I just it with my friends at restuarants it can let me relaxed

(Wei) On the weekend I usually spend my time usually in the morning I wait for my daughter at dancing. In the afternoon I read some books and take a EF class on the sofa

(Bob) I think it was difficult to think of alternative words, for me I can find new words from the documentation because a lot of equipment gives specifications secondly I will get a lot of new words from the TV finally I can find the new words from my colleagues because my colleagues speak English if I can understand the word I will check it and find it's meaning

(Cara) I think it's not difficult to think of new words, when we talk with others we are in the emergency situation. we always use the words we used to use. I  think we can find the new words in the proper English because when we learn new words in the natural language so we have to change it to the proper language so we can find the new words in the proper language

(Grace) I think find alternative words is a bit difficult when converse with foreign friends I usually forget the words but after the conversation I remember the words how to say so when I met the difficult I usually use a cellphone I find I put in the Chinese words and transfer the English words so the cellphone help me to find alternative words I usually use cellphone to help me

(Wei) It is a little difficult to find alternative words if I find a way to express my way I will stick with it. For me when speak English I usually translate to Chinese if I don't know I will refer to the dictionary. I will refer to my notebook everyday when I find new words I will write down. If I don't know how to say I will refer to my notebook answer


would like





long for

yearn for

(Bob) Sometimes it's challenge to learn English. It's hard to find the time to sit down and study and it's really not easy to remember all the new words!

(Cara) I found the book very attracting. It had an fascinating story line and the

I found the book very fascinating. It had an attractive story line and the character's were also very engaging.

(Grace) I really enjoy walking on the beach. I love the feel of the water and I delight in building sand castles

I'm keen on building sand castles

(Wei) This morning I found a strange man on the road and he's doing a weird manner on something when I pass by I found it is very bizarre


Bob + Cara

What would you like on the weekend?

On my weekend I like reading exercise

I would like to watch TV and basketball can you introduce a book to me

I would love to I'm reading the moon and the six pence. Its so interesting. So when I read one chapter I maybe a little understand what they say maybe I can't understand the details

Okay thank you very much I will get it and try to read the book


Grace + Wei

What are you favourite activities on the weekend?

I usually watching movies or reading books

what else?

I also accompany with my daughter

spend time with my daughter

I enjoy cleaning my house and cooking I usually cook for my family on the weekend. Do you usually eat at a restaurant?

Yes I am fond of eating outside

I seldom eat outside I enjoy cooking

Expanding your vocabulary

Target language

Synonyms for ordinary words: difficult, hard, tough, challenging; strange, weird, bizarre, odd, eccentric; good, nice, decent, pleasant, kind; interesting, fascinating, engaging, intriguing; like, be into, enjoy, adore, fond of; want, require, need, crave, desire etc.

Vocabulary: five-star hotel, health spa, tour guide, guided tour, historic landmarks, itinerary, cruise, buffet etc.

Sentence example

I like sleeping in on weekends. / I like to sleep in on weekends.

Class notes


Crutch words: Words that are used as 'fillers' when the speaker is trying to collect their thoughts.

Off-limits: Something that is off-limits should not be interfered with, spoken about or touched.


Difficult: Hard, arduous, gruelling

Interesting: Funny, engaging, captivating, amusing, entertaining

Like: Fond of, enjoy, love, really into

Off-limits: Barred, banned, not permitted


Synonym: "[A] word or phrase that has the same or nearly the same meaning as another word or phrase in the same language:

The words "small" and "little" are synonyms. (Reference: https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/synonym)

Decent: "[S]ocially acceptable or good:

Everyone should be entitled to a decent wage/standard of living.

thought he was a decent person.

It was very decent (= kind) of you to help.

It made quite a decent-sized (= largehole.

After the recent scandal, the priest is expected to do the decent thing and resign from his position(Reference: https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/decent)

Bizarre: "[V]ery strange and unusual:

a bizarre situation

bizarre behaviour (Reference: https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/bizarre)

Crutch words for the whole class to avoid




Positive feedback

Well done for using your grammar correctly in the following instances:

Gao (m): "It's tough to find the time to sit down and study, and it's challenging to remember all the new words."

Tom (m): "Sometimes it's hard to learn English. It's really tough to remember all the new words."

Norman (m): "I really love walking on the beach. I enjoy the feel of the water."

Lillian: "I found the book very fascinating. It had an amusing story line."

Yanfu (m): "I found the book very charming. The characters were also very awesome."

Vivien: "I really love walking on the beach. I enjoy building sand castles."

Individual areas for improvement


"I enjoying cooking." You can say, "I enjoy cooking."


Please note the pronunciation of the word 'castle'.

"It's challenge for me too." You can say, "It's challenging for me too. / It's a challenge for me too."


Please note the pronunciation of the word 'fascinating'.

"I always reading books in my phone." You can say, "I always read books on my phone."


"I hope in the future I can travelling in the world." You can say, "I hope I can travel around the world in the future."



I like to play cards not really puzzles. We play them on Chinese New Year.

I think he could have been too short too press the button to press the button for the 21st floor and another is to exercise.

When you imagine, when you are creating a theory an not a real thing.

You must have forgotten to close the door.

I may have closed the door.

"might" past tense "may" present tense

sheneded a lot of money so she can adopt the child

He could have gone home already.


My favorite kind of puzzle is guessing games. There are so many guess games in the Chinese Festivals.

Maybe in the evening, it is helpful for him to do it this way, it is his way to lose I guess.

I know "he could have been" means someone could do something in the past they didn't do it.

"can't" presentand "could't" past

Maybe the servant wished for a lot of money. He could take his mother to the hospital for her blind eyes.


I used to play jigsaw puzzles when I was young, I also like the watching pictures and guessing what they are.

I have some ideas about that. Maybe the building has a blackout, or the elevator was broken and needs time to be fixed or he heard something about the ghost and he is scared to take the elevator buy himself.


My favorite kind of puzzle is poker cards, sometimes my classmates like to play to spell the word game. Hangman game.

He needs to workout and it is good for his health. In the evening, many people are in the elevator and it is really crowded so he choose to walk up.

"he must have been"  in the past with. He must have been finished work. >> he must have been done with his work.

I agree with winnie and his wife's baby...


my favorite kind of puzzle is magical squares. It made me feel vey relaxed.

maybe the elevator is broken or maybe he wanted to some exercises, maybe there are a lot people waiting for the elevator and he wants to go home quickly.

He must have been studying English for his job.

He must have gone home already

Your good responses:

 Stephen - I dislike any kind of puzzle

I like the Rubik's cube and can turn it into the same color

Maybe he was drunk the last night

If I were the servant, I would ask the master

My wish is, I can have a son, he is a doctor and very rich

He could make a wish to have other 3 wishes

After his death, the servant can be the wizard and make all his wishes come true

Lillian - I like to play cards and play them with my friends on Chinese new year

Maybe the elevator was broken 

Maybe a lot of people wait for the elevator and he wants to go home quickly

He must have to choose one of the wishes

Avin - I'd like to choose the Rubik's cube/ Magical cube

You will get a sense of achievement when you solve a problem

I think it's possible that the elevator is broken

He wants to walk up to his apartment

He asked to get more money and be rich and solve other problems

Li - I don't like to play puzzles, I think it's too complex to me

Maybe he eat too much and he want to take exercise

He could asked for all three wishes to satisfy his family

Annie - I also don't like the Maths subject

I can choose the brain twisters

I also think he wants to do some exercise and maybe something happened

He can only choose one wish to come true

Target language

must, can't - you are sure of something

might, may, could - you are not sure of something

Grammar tips: (Say this instead)

Yes: If someone likes puzzles maybe he is good at Maths

Yes: He lives in an apartment which has two floors

Yes: It often happens around us

Yes: He wants to keep calm

Yes: I am not sure about this

Yes: My wife and I would have a son too

Yes: He wants to help the mother to see again

Yes: The servant could tell his master his wish is to learn all the knowledge and he can be the wizard

Yes: It would be perfect if the master gives him more wishes

Yes: I agree with you

Yes: He can be rich and have a magical son

Yes: The servant has 3 wishes

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