Lesson77 Asuccessful operation
The mummy of anEgyptian woman who died in 800 B.C. has just had an operation. The mummy isthat of Shepenmut who was once a singer in the Temple of Thebes. As there werestrange marks on the X-ray plates taken of the mummy, doctors have been tryingto find out whether the woman died of a rare disease. The only way to do thiswas to operate. The operation, which lasted for over four hours, proved to bevery difficult because of the hard resin which covered the skin. The doctorsremoved a section of the mummy and sent it to a laboratory. They also foundsomething which the X-ray plates did not show: a small wax figure of the godDuamutef. This god which has the head of a cow was normally placed inside amummy. The doctors have not yet decided how the woman died. They feared thatthe mummy would fall to pieces when they cut it open, but fortunately this hasnot happened. The mummy successfully survived the operation.
ə səkˈsɛsfʊl ˌɒpəˈreɪʃən
ðə ˈmʌmi əv ən ɪˈʤɪpʃən ˈwʊmən huː daɪd ɪn 800 biː.siː. həz ʤəst həd ən ˌɒpəˈreɪʃən. ðə ˈmʌmi z ðət əv Shepenmut huː wəz wʌns ə ˈsɪŋər ɪn ðə ˈtɛmpl əv θiːbz. əz ðə wə streɪnʤ mɑːks ɒn ði ˈɛksˈreɪ pleɪts ˈteɪkən əv ðə ˈmʌmi, ˈdɒktəz həv biːn ˈtraɪɪŋ tə faɪnd aʊt ˈwɛðə ðə ˈwʊmən daɪd əv ə reə dɪˈziːz. ði ˈəʊnli weɪ tə dʊ ðɪs wəz tʊ ˈɒpəreɪt. ði ˌɒpəˈreɪʃən, wɪʧ ˈlɑːstɪd fər ˈəʊvə fɔːr ˈaʊəz, pruːvd tə bi ˈvɛri ˈdɪfɪkəlt bɪˈkəz əv ðə hɑːd ˈrɛzɪn wɪʧ ˈkʌvəd ðə skɪn. ðə ˈdɒktəz rɪˈmuːvd ə ˈsɛkʃən əv ðə ˈmʌmiənd sɛnt ɪt tʊ ə ləˈbɒrətəri. ðeɪ ˈɔːlsəʊ faʊnd ˈsʌmθɪŋ wɪʧ ði ˈɛksˈreɪ pleɪtsdɪd nɒt ʃəʊ: ə smɔːl wæks ˈfɪgər əv ðə gɒd Duamutef. ðɪs gɒd wɪʧ həz ðə hɛd əv əkaʊ wəz ˈnɔːməli pleɪst ɪnˈsaɪd ə ˈmʌmi. ðə ˈdɒktəz həv nɒt jɛt dɪˈsaɪdɪd haʊ ðəˈwʊmən daɪd. ðeɪ fɪəd ðət ðə ˈmʌmi wəd fɔːl tə ˈpiːsɪz wɛn ðeɪ kʌt ɪt ˈəʊpən, bətˈfɔːʧnɪtli ðɪs həz nɒt ˈhæpənd. ðə ˈmʌmi səkˈsɛsfʊli səˈvaɪvd ði ˌɒpəˈreɪʃən.
单词:1、mummy:木乃伊,2、Egyption:埃及人,3、Thebes:底比斯,4、Temple:寺庙,5、resin:树脂,6、section:部分,7、wax figure:蜡像
音标:/k/ 用舌根抵住后颚,再突然张开,使空气外冲而成音。
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