后劲很强的一部电影,看过之后,脑海中一直浮现幽蓝的水波,裹缠的红裙,向往的眼神,无形而有形,神秘细腻梦幻。只希望Elisa没有死,伤痕幻化成腮,在水中与that beautiful creature, you and me, together. 甚至感谢这发生的一切仅仅是一个故事一个童话,否则会于心不忍。两个拥有同样孤独的人,互相尝试去了解,互相欣赏对方的特别,这种吸引与付出甚至牺牲,就是爱吧。爱是跨越种族,性别,时间的存在。爱是无形的不可被亵渎的存在。影片结尾,陈述者说道:
But when I think of her, of Elisa, the only thing that comes to mind is a poem, whispered by someone in love hundreds of years ago.
Unable to perceive the shape of you, I find you all around me. Your presence fills my eyes with your love. It humbles my heart, for you are everywhere.