Chapter 1 (2)

1. re‧cline

v. / rɪ'klaɪn ; rɪˋklaɪn /英 / rɪ'klaɪn /

[I] to lie or lean back in a relaxed way formal 躺卧;向后倚靠 【正式】

[+ in/on ]

I spent Sunday reclining in a deck chair.


2. up‧heav‧al

n. [C,U] / ʌp'hiːvəl ; ʌpˋhivḷ /

a very big change that often causes problems 〔往往会带来问题的〕激变,剧变;动乱

political upheaval


Moving house is a major upheaval.


3. sap‧ling

n. [C] / 'sæplɪŋ ; ˋsæplɪŋ /

a young tree 幼树,树苗

4.proper  adj.

[only after noun 仅用于名词后] the real or main part of something, not other parts before, after, or near to it 严格意义上的

The friendly chat which comes before the interview proper is intended to relax the candidate.


the city centre proper


5. screw up your eyes/face

to move the muscles in your face in a way that makes your eyes seem narrow 瞇起眼睛/扭曲面部

He screwed up his eyes against the bright light.


6. reef

n. [C] / riːf ; rif /

a line of sharp rocks, often made of coral , or a raised area of sand near the surface of the sea 礁;礁脉

7. un‧do

v. [T] / ʌn'duː ; ʌnˋdu /

( past tense undid , past participle undone , third person singular undoes )

unzip 拉开拉链;loosen 松开〔领带〕;unbutton 解开纽扣;untie 解开〔鞋带〕UNDO 解开

to open something that is tied, fastened or wrapped 解开,打开,松开〔某物〕

The screws can be undone by hand.


I undid the package carefully.


undo your jacket/shirt/bra etc 解开你的夹克/衬衫/胸罩等

8. side‧long

adj. / 'saɪdlɒŋ ; ˋsaɪd͵lɔŋ /

sidelong look/glance

a way of looking at someone by moving your eyes to the side, especially so that it seems secret, dishonest, or disapproving 斜眼看〔尤表示有秘密、不诚实或不以为然〕

He gave Oliver a sidelong glance .


9. faint

adj. / feɪnt ; fent /

difficult to see, hear, smell etc 不清楚的,模糊的

She gave a faint smile.


a very faint noise


the faint light of dawn


10. ap‧pre‧hen‧sion

n. / ˌæprɪˈhenʃ ə n ; ͵æprɪˋhɛnʃən /

英 / ˌæprɪˈhenʃ ə n /

[C,U] anxiety about the future, especially about dealing with something unpleasant or difficult 〔对未来的〕忧虑,担心

SYN  anxiety

a feeling of apprehension


I woke before the alarm, filled with apprehension.


11. mo‧tif

n. [C] / məʊ'tiːf ; moˋtif /

英 / məʊ'tiːf /


an idea, subject, or image that is regularly repeated and developed in a book, film, work of art etc 〔书、电影、美术作品等的〕主题,主旨,中心思想

The theme of creation is a recurrent motif in Celtic mythology.



a small picture or pattern used to decorate something plain 〔装饰等的〕基调,基本图案

a white T-shirt with a blue fish motif


12. gran‧ite

n. [U] / 'ɡrænɪt 'ɡrænət ; ˋgrænɪt /

英 / 'ɡrænɪt /

a very hard grey rock, often used in building 花岗岩,花岗石

13. haul

v. [T] / hɔːl ; hɔl /

英 / hɔːl /


to pull something heavy with a continuous steady movement 拖,拉

the steam locomotive which hauled the train


I hauled the door shut behind me.


haul sth off/onto/out of etc sth

She hauled her backpack onto her back.




haul yourself up/out of etc sth

1) to move somewhere with a lot of effort, especially because you are injured or tired 吃力地挪向/走出〔某处〕等

Patrick hauled himself painfully up the stairs.


14. ef‧flo‧res‧cence

n. [U] / ‚eflə'resəns ; ͵ɛfləˋrɛsṇs / literary

英 / ‚eflə'resəns /


the action of something forming and developing, or the period of time when this happens 发展(期),全盛(期) 【文】

There was an efflorescence of scientific publication in the period 1645–1660.


15. ledge

n. [C] / ledʒ ; lɛdʒ /

a narrow flat piece of rock that sticks out on the side of a mountain or cliff 岩架

We crept carefully along the narrow ledge.


He leapt onto a ledge of rock.


16. spe‧cious

adj. / 'spiːʃəs ; ˋspiʃəs / formal

seeming to be true or correct, but actually false 似是而非的,貌似正确的 【正式】

SYN  misleading

a specious argument

貌似有理的 论据

17. loom

v. [I] / luːm ; lum /

英 / luːm /

[always + adv/prep] to appear as a large unclear shape, especially in a threatening way 〔尤指阴森森地〕隐约出现,赫然耸现

[+ up/out/ahead etc ]

Suddenly a mountain loomed up in front of them.


18. grind‧ing

adj. [only before noun 仅用于名词前] / 'ɡraɪndɪŋ ; ˋgraɪndɪŋ /

英 / 'ɡraɪndɪŋ /


very difficult and unpleasant, and never seeming to improve 困难的;无改进的

a country devastated by civil war and grinding poverty



a grinding noise is the continuous unpleasant noise of machinery parts rubbing together 〔机器部件的摩擦声〕持续而刺耳的

19. loll

v. / lɒl ; lɑl /

[I always + adv/prep] to sit or lie in a very lazy and relaxed way 懒洋洋地坐[躺]

SYN  lounge

[+ around/about/beside etc ]

He lolled back in his chair.


20. mi‧rage

n. [C] / 'mɪrɑːʒ ; məˋrɑʒ /

英 / 'mɪrɑːʒ /


an effect caused by hot air in a desert, which makes you think that you can see objects when they are not actually there 〔沙漠里的〕海市蜃楼


a dream, hope, or wish that cannot come true 幻想;妄想

SYN  illusion

Perhaps we are just chasing a mirage.


21. dim

v.( past tense and past participle dimmed , present participle dimming )

[I,T] if a light dims, or if you dim it, it becomes less bright (使)变暗淡,(使)变昏暗

The lights in the theatre began to dim.


22. ef‧ful‧gent

adj. / ɪ'fʌldʒənt ; ɪˋfuldʒənt / literary

英 / ɪ'fʌldʒənt /

beautiful and bright 漂亮的;光辉的,灿烂的 【文】

23. en‧mi‧ty

n. [C,U] / 'enmɪti 'enməti ; ˋɛnmətɪ / formal

英 / 'enmɪti /

( plural enmities )

a feeling of hatred towards someone 仇恨;怨恨 【正式】

24. ill-omened


ADJ doomed to be unlucky; ill-fated 不吉利的; 走厄运的

25. dec‧o‧rous

adj. / 'dekərəs ; ˋdɛkərəs / formal

英 / 'dekərəs /

having the correct appearance or behaviour for a particular occasion 〔外表或行为〕端庄的,得体的 【正式】

26. conch

n. [C] / kɒntʃ, kɒŋk ; kɑntʃ /

the large twisted shell of a tropical sea animal that looks like a snail 海螺壳

27. lump

n. [C] S2 / lʌmp ; lʌmp /

英 / lʌmp /

a small piece of something solid, without a particular shape 〔不定形的〕块

Strain the custard to remove lumps.


28. in‧ter‧pose

v. [T] / ‚ɪntə'pəʊz ; ͵ɪntɚˋpoz / formal 【正式】

英 / ‚ɪntə'pəʊz /

to put yourself or something else between two other things 使介入〔两者之间〕;使插入

She interposed herself between the general and his wife.


29. ful‧crum

n. [C] / 'fʊlkrəm, 'fʌl- ; ˋfʌlkrəm /

英 / 'fʊlkrəm, 'fʌl- /

( plural fulcrums fulcra / -krə ; -krə / )

the point on which a lever (= bar ) turns, balances, or is supported in turning or lifting something 〔杠杆的〕支点

30. bab‧ble

v. / ˈbæb ə l ; ˋbæbḷ /

英 / ˈbæb ə l /

[I,T] to speak quickly in a way that is difficult to understand or sounds silly 含糊不清地说;唠唠叨叨

I have no idea what he was babbling on about.


31. em‧bossed

adj. / ɪm'bɒst ; ɪmˋbɑst /

having a surface that is decorated with a raised pattern 有凸起图案的

embossed stationery


32. stroke

v. [T]  to move your hand gently over something 轻抚,抚摸

33. beam

v.[I] to smile very happily 开怀大笑,眉开眼笑

Sherman looked at his sons and beamed proudly.


34. jut

v. ( also 又作 jut out ) / dʒʌt ; dʒʌt /

英 / dʒʌt /

( past tense and past participle jutted , present participle jutting )

[I always + adv/prep] something that juts out sticks out further than the other things around it 突出,伸出

Tall jagged rocks jutted out over the beach.


35. purse

v. [T]

if you purse your lips, you bring them together tightly into a small circle, especially to show disapproval or doubt 噘起〔嘴唇,尤用于表示反对或怀疑〕

Mrs Biddell pursed her lips and shook her head.


36. squirt

v. / skwɜːt ; skwɝt /

英 / skwɜːt /

spray 喷洒;squirt 喷射SQUIRT 喷射

[I,T] if you squirt liquid or if it squirts somewhere, it is forced out in a thin fast stream 使喷出;射出;喷射

→ spray

[+ out/from/into ]

Water suddenly squirted out from a hole in the pipe.


37. cloud

n.IN THE AIR 在空中

[C] a mass of dust, smoke etc in the air, or a large number of insects flying together 〔一团灰尘、烟雾或大批飞行的昆虫等的〕云状物

cloud of dust/smoke/gas etc

A cloud of steam rose into the air.


clouds of mosquitoes buzzing around us


38. squeal

v. / skwiːl ; skwil /

英 / skwiːl /

[I,T] to make a long loud high sound or cry 发出长而尖锐的声音[叫声];用长而尖的声音说

→ scream

They drove off, tyres squealing.


‘Let me go!’ she squealed.


39. stri‧dent

adj. / 'straɪd ə nt ; ˋstraɪdṇt /

英 / 'straɪd ə nt /


forceful and determined, especially in a way that is offensive or annoying 强烈的;坚定的;咄咄逼人的

strident criticism



a strident sound or voice is loud and unpleasant 刺耳的,尖声的

the strident calls of seagulls


40. blare

v. [I,T] ( also 又作 blare out ) / bleə ; blɛr /

英 / bleə /

to make a very loud unpleasant noise (使)刺耳地大声鸣响

Horns blared in the street outside.


41. scutter


vi. 疾走,快跑;追赶=scurry :

You have to scutter,otherwise you won't catch the train.


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