The idea behind Reinforcement Learning is that an agent will learn from the environment by interacting with it and receiving rewards for performing actions.
1. 强化学习的过程
1. Agent从Environment接受到state S0(例如从游戏(environment)中获得了第一帧(state))
2. 根据S0,agent进行action A0操作
3. Environment转换到新的state S1(new frame)
4. Environment给Agent一个reward R1(not dead: +1)
RL loop输出state,action和reward的序列,agent的目的是最大化预计累计奖励(expected cumulative reward)
2. Reward Hypothesis
强化学习是基于reward hypothesis的,所有的目标都是最大化预计累计奖励。每一步的累计奖励如下:
然而实际中,越到后面可能得到reward的概率减少,因为难度的增加,因此增加discount rate gamma,值在0到1之间。gamma值越大,discount越少,代表learning agent更关注长期reward,然而如果gamma值越小,discount越大,表示agent更关注短期reward。
3. 两类任务:Episodic or Continuing tasks
1. Episodic
有开始和结束(a starting point and an ending point(a terminal state)),产生an episode:a list of States, Actions, Rewards, and New States.
2. Continuous tasks
没有结束(no terminal state), 一直持续的任务,例如一个agent做自动的股票交易,直到我们手动停止它,agent才会停下来。
4. Monte Carlo vs TD Learning methods
一种是在episode的结束点收集rewards然后计算maximum expected future reward: Monte carlo Approach
另一种是在每一步估计reward:Temporal Difference Learning
1) Monte Carlo
2)Temporal Difference Learning:learning at each time step
5. Exploration/Exploitation trade off
Exploration is finding more information about the environment. 探索
Exploitation is exploiting known information to maximum the reward. 开发
6. Three approaches to Reinforcement learning
6.1 Value Based
目标是优化value function V(s),value function是一个函数,会告诉我们最大的expected future reward,agent在每一步都会获得。
6.2 Policy Based
直接优化policy function
Deterministic: a policy at a given state will always return the same action.
Stochastic: output a distribution probability over actions.
6.3 Model Based