关于海底热液系统的研究也不过半个世纪,如果要通古知今天也不是什么难事儿,但是一些经典还是有必要仔细研读。追溯这些前辈们是如何从想法-发现-研究-解释物理现象的过程。这里所说的经典主要是指AGU主持编辑和出版的专著、review文章、nature和science文章、以及JGR, GRL, EPSL,GEOLOGY, GCA, G3期刊上面的高引用文章
AGU自1956年推出了Geophysical Monograph Series系列专著,至今共收录了236卷(最近一一卷是2018年7月出版的)也就是236个专著,涵盖了地学领域的方方面面。这无疑是地学科研工作者的九阴真经!其中关于海底热液系统的共有4卷。
1995年: Susan E. Humphris Robert A. Zierenberg Lauren S. Mullineaux Richard E. Thomson主编
Vol. 91, Seafloor Hydrothermal Systems: Physical, Chemical, Biological, and Geological Interactions
2004年: William S.D. Wilcock Edward F Delong Deborah S. Kelley John A. Baross S. Craig Cary主编
Vol. 144, The Subseafloor Biosphere at Mid‐Ocean Ridges
2004年: C.R. German J. Lin L.M. Parson主编
Vol. 148, Mid-Ocean Ridges: Hydrothermal Interactions Between the Lithosphere and Oceans
2008年:Robert P. Lowell Jeffrey S. Seewald Anna Metaxas Michael R. Perfit主编
Vol. 178, Magma to Microbe: Modeling Hydrothermal Processes at Ocean Spreading Centers
2010年: Peter A. Rona Colin W. Devey Jérôme Dyment Bramley J. Murton主编
Vol. 188, Diversity of Hydrothermal Systems on Slow Spreading Ocean Ridges
2007年interridge在Oceanography的专刊SPECIAL ISSUE ON InterRidge,其中大部分文章都是关于hydrothermal的,比如:
- Tivey编写的Generation of Seafloor Hydrothermal Vent Fluids and Associated Mineral Deposits
- Schultz 编写的The Emergence of Life on Earth
References Model系列的关于地球科学的Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences,其中有Lowell于2014编写的海底热液系统的综述文章:Hydrothermal Activity
The Oceans and Marine Geochemistry专著中的第六章由C.R. German, K.L. Von Damm于2006年编写,Hydrothermal processes
Rewiews of Geophysics (IMF: 13.529)
- Ingebritsen, Geiger, Hurwitz, Driesner, 2010. Numerical simulation of magmatic hydrothermal systems. Reviews of Geophysics 48.
- Lowell, R.P., 1991. Modeling continental and submarine hydrothermal systems. Reviews of Geophysics 29, 457 – 476.
- Damm, V.K., 1995. Temporal and compositional diversity in seafloor hydrothermal fluids. Reviews of Geophysics 33, 1297 – 1305.
- Klein, E.M., 1991. Ocean ridge magmatic and hydrothermal geochemical processes. Reviews of Geophysics 29, 532 – 541.
- McDuff, R.E., 1987. Chemistry of seafloor hydrothermal systems. Reviews of Geophysics 25, 1427 – 1429.
- Edmond, JM, 1991. US research on oceanic hydrothermal chemistry: 1987–1990. Reviews of Geophysics 29, 645 – 647.
- Humphris, S.E., 1995. Hydrothermal processes at mid‐ocean ridges. Reviews of Geophysics 33, 71 – 80
Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences (IMF: 11.391)
- Elderfield, H, Schultz, A, 1996. Mid-ocean ridge hydrothermal fluxes and the chemical composition of the ocean. Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences 24, 191 – 224. (cite 788)
- Damm, V.K., 1990. Seafloor hydrothermal activity: black smoker chemistry and chimneys. Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences 18, 173 – 204. (cite 588)
- Jr, S.W., 1987. Experimental and theoretical constraints on hydrothermal alteration processes at mid-ocean ridges. Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences 15, 317 – 335. (cite 204)
- Norton, D.L., 1984. Theory of hydrothermal systems. Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences 12, 155 – 177. (cite 218)
- Lister, C., 1980. Heat flow and hydrothermal circulation. Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences 8, 95 – 117. (cite 85)
在dimensions上对title和abstract搜索关键词(Hydrothermal)AND (seafloor OR ocean OR sea OR ridge)共得到9719篇文章;918个期刊;68个专业
- 设置目标专业
- 0402 Geochemistry
- 0403 Geology
- 0404 Geophysics
- 0405 Oceanography
- 文章类型为article
- 题录中有journal名称