What’s something that every Python developer should practice and learn more about?
Data structures. They’re the fundamental constructs around which you build your programs. Each data structure provides a particular way of organizing data so it can be accessed efficiently, depending on your use case.
I believe that going back to the fundamentals always pays off for a programmer, regardless of their skill level or experience.
Now, I don’t advocate that you should focus on expanding your data structures knowledge alone—the “failure mode” for that is getting stuck in theory la-la land and never shipping anything…
But I found that spending some time on brushing up your data structures (and algorithms) knowledge always pays off.
Whether you do that with a tightly focused “sprint” for a few days, or as an ongoing project with little pockets of time here and there doesn’t really matter. Either way, I promise it’ll be time well spent.
Alright, so data structures in Python, eh? We’ve got lists, dicts, sets…umm. Stacks? Do we have stacks?
You see, the trouble is that Python ships with an extensive set of data structures in its standard library. However, sometimes the naming for them is a bit “off”.
It’s often unclear how even well-known “abstract data types” like a Stack correspond to a specific implementation in Python. Other languages like Java stick to a more “computer-sciency” and explicit naming scheme: A list isn’t just a “list” in Java—it’s either a LinkedList or an ArrayList.
This makes it easier to recognize the expected behavior and the computational complexity of these types. Python favors a simpler and more “human” naming scheme, and I love it. In part, it’s what makes programming with Python so much fun.
But the downside is that even to experienced Python developers, it can be unclear whether the built-in list type is implemented as a linked list or a dynamic array. And the day will come when lacking this knowledge will cause them endless hours of frustration, or get them rejected in a job interview.
In this part of the book you’ll take a tour of the fundamental data structures and implementations of abstract data types (ADTs) built into Python and its standard library.
My goal here is to clarify how the most common abstract data types map to Python’s naming scheme and to provide a brief description for each. This information will also help you shine in Python coding interviews.
If you’re looking for a good book to brush up on your general data structures knowledge, I highly recommend Steven S. Skiena’s The Algorithm Design Manual.
推荐了一本书:Steven S. Skiena的算法设计手册
It strikes a great balance between teaching you fundamental (and more advanced) data structures, and then showing you how to put them to practical use in various algorithms. Steve’s book was a great help in the writing of these chapters.