Super de luxe model
De luxe高级的
In a relatively small and attractive package
Reciprocating machine?重复劳动性机器
And everything in between
Individual spunk勇气、活力
Spunk up enough courage
Bring it to life
The tingle up the spine
Tingle with sth强烈地感到
The cold air made her face tingle感到刺痛
Longsolitary walks/a solitary life
Thatched hut?
Make a believer of even the most skptical
Shuffle through those doors
Get off the ground顺利开始开始发生
Jet propulsion喷气推进
Buttress the argument for…肯定了……的论证
Dig deep into their pockets
At the margins
Reshape our destiny
Lavish love on sth滥施
Sublime beauty令人赞叹的美(固搭)
Close a case结案;结束调查
Fashion the soaring vaults高耸的穹顶
religious/patriotic frenzy狂热
Passing fad昙花一现
Erratic vs. unpredictable vs. unstable
Outgrowthe excesses of the Crusade
Repeat the catechism类似嘴里念着经的感觉
Go toss a bomb into a crowded pub
toss vs. throw
Blow our whole planet into permanent winter
Melt for machismo
Grant time off to men
An American entitlement
Persist in the same contradictory behavior
Grief and gore
Blood and gore血淋淋的暴力场面
1.All the money would have been worthless if legions of craftsmen hadn’t been willing to dedicate their skills and often their lives to making this not just another building, but a monument to human achievement.大批工匠为教堂的建造奉献了精湛技艺,付出了一生心血,教堂不仅是一个建筑,还是人类成就的典范。如果没有这些工匠的手艺和付出,再多钱也造不出这个教堂。
2.Certainly no other creature could conceive and create something of such sublime beauty. Case closed? Hardly.的确,再没有其他生物能像人类这样构想并创造出这样令人惊叹的美丽。这就是关于人类的全部真相了吗?不见得。
3.Some of the workers may well have been veterans of the First Crusade, an expedition to save the Holy Land from the infidel Muslims that was part religious frenzy, part military adventure, and part social fad.一些工匠可能也曾是十字军东征队伍中的一员。为了从异教徒穆斯林手中夺回圣地耶路撒冷,这场征途既有宗教狂热的色彩,又有军事探险的性质,还有一些社会潮流的意味。
4.We like to think that our erratic behavior isa thing of the past, that we’ve outgrown the excesses of the Crusades. But nothing could be further from truth.我们总觉得人类的暴行属于过去,现代人已经摆脱了十字军东征时期的野蛮放肆。但这种认识与事实相去甚远。
1.Remarkable phenomenon奇景
2.Scores of musicians/ an army of people大批音乐家,一群人
3.How far we human have comein such a short time人类出现至今的历史很短,但就在这短短的时间内,我们已经取得了如此巨大、如此之多的成就
4.The sight of …. Is almostenough tomake a believer of even the most skeptical.这景象足够震慑任何人,哪怕是最不信教的人,见到此情此景也会成为信徒。
5.Medieval equivalent of the modern effort教堂于中世纪的意义就像载人飞船对于现代人的意义一样
6.Reshape our destiny重塑我们所处的时代
7.Set goals/pursue goals设立目标完成目标
8.Be ashamed of …耻于……
9.Fall for ….爱上……;为……倾倒
10.Alternate between…在……之间互相切换
11.Wrestle with sth努力应对
12.Get off the ground顺利开始
13.Contradictory drives对立的冲动