How to writea brilliant story?
If you haven’t got a good, sound story to tell then you can’t produce a good presentation
brilliant do’s and don’ts
Don’t start at the beginning.
Start by deciding what the ‘end’ is – what the final point is that you want to make. Everything you do must lead up to this final point – everything.
Do limit your thinking to the ‘rule of three’ – in this simple technique you are never allowed to use more than three points.
Try it and see how powerful it is.
For example, there are just three things to say about creating a story – stories are designed to command the attention of the audience; stories are about people, things and events; and all stories are about change.
Do try to summarise the thrust of your story in just a few words.
For example, if you say ‘This presentation is about our growth, how we’ve achieved it and what we are going to do next,’ this will ‘fix’ in your mind the journey you are going to take.
Many of us find it hard to say exactly where we are going, which probably accounts for the fact that so few of us actually get there.
Do make your story sound fresh and new – as if it has only just happened, and also as though it has happened to you.
Do give your audience the setting for the story in graphic terms – time,place, temperature, ambience and so on – hook into people’s imaginations.
Do you remember those stories that started ‘It was a darkand stormy night’?
Don’t be squeamish about cutting out anything in your presentation,however nice you think it is, which doesn’t drive the story on.
Do try to create a simple structure so that the presentational story has an order to it. Something like: 1 This is where we were; 2 This is where we are now; 3 This is where we want to be.
Don’t only speak in the third person. Try to introduce first person experiences and anecdotes.
Become a story student
Listen to the stories that people tell at work, at home, in the pub– wherever.
Work out why some work and some fail.
Why someare brilliant and others not.
Listen to comedians and watch thenews.
Become a ‘story addict’.
Learn what seems to work andthen adopt the role of storyteller and finally try to grip the attention of your audience through the simplicity, conviction and narrative drive of your performance.
Practise, practise, practise – it takes time but keep at it.
And don’t forget to try it on your mother, a child or a teenager from hell.
Set yourself a ‘story test’.
Keep on asking yourself if the story you are telling contains the ‘brilliant story elements’.
The elements of a great story
It needs to be:
well structured;
and make demands on your audience – you do want them to dosomething as a result of it don’t you?