5.2 条件测试
5.2.1 检查是否相等
- 相等运算符 “==”
- 检查是否相等时区分大小写
- 可使用lower()函数先把变量的值转化为小写再进行比较
5.2.3 检查是否不相等
- 运算符 “!=”
5.2.4 比较数字
5.2.5 检查多个条件:and/or
- and 检查多个条件
age_0 >= 21 and age_1 >= 21
- or 检查多个条件
age_0 >= 21 or age_1 >= 21
5.2.6 检查特定值是否在/不在列表中: in/not in
requested_toppings = ['mushrooms','onions','pineapple']
'mushrooms' in requested_toppings
'pepperoni' not in requested_toppings
5.2.8 布尔表达式
结果要么是True 要么是False,通常用于记录条件。
5.3 if语句
5.3.2 if-else语句
5.3.3 if-elif-else语句
age = 32
if age < 2:
print("it's a baby")
elif age >= 2 and age <= 4:
print('he is a toddler')
elif age >= 4 and age <= 13:
print('he is a child')
elif age >= 13 and age <= 20:
print('he is a teenager')
elif age >= 20 and age <= 65:
print('he is an adult')
print('he is an old man')