就在马克龙受到特朗普冷嘲热讽之后,德国总理默克尔于近日 “雪中送炭”,力挺马克龙,称欧盟领导人应该考虑自建一支真实且真正的欧洲军队,与北约(北大西洋公约组织)军队相互补充,并呼吁成立欧洲安全理事会,主管欧洲防务与安全政策,以保护欧洲安全。 其实欧盟内部一直以来都存在建立自己军队的声音,尤其是在特朗普上台后,许多人认为欧洲安全面临更大威胁,因此欧盟也不断强调和加强防务合作。去年,23个欧盟国家签署了一项里程碑式的联合防务协定“永久结构性合作”,以深化欧盟国家之间的防务合作。而在未来几年,欧盟也将大幅增加国防预算,用于新军事装备的研发。本篇课程首发于2018年11月21日,选自 The Economist Espresso APPTin soldiers: European defence
① The European Union's foreign and defence ministers gather in Brussels today to discuss security policy.
② The call for a "true European army", issued by the French president, Emmanuel Macron, on November 6th—which prompted a vituperative response from Donald Trump—will hang over the meeting.
③ European defence has been energised of late.
④ Brexit will remove its most dogged opponent, Donald Trump has shaken faith in NATO, and France and Germany are desperate to unite behind something.
⑤ European defence spending is rising quickly.
⑥ But for now, EU ambitions are modest.
⑦ Permanent Structured Co-operation, a collection of defence projects, includes reducing duplication in arms production, creating a medical command and harmonising military radios.
⑧ Even France's grand-sounding European Intervention Initiative, a smaller club of more ambitious countries, is little more than a deal to swap officers in order to smooth planning for future wars.
⑨ Europe continues to speak softly and carry a modestly sized stick.
tin soldiers: 锡兵;金属玩偶
defence /dɪˈfens/: n. 防御;防卫
security /sɪˈkjʊərəti/: n. (国防) 安全
issue /ˈɪsjuː, ˈɪʃuː/: vt. 提出;发表;发行 n. 问题;议题
prompt /prɒmpt/: vt. 导致 adj. 及时的;迅速的
vituperative /vaɪˈtuːpərətɪv, vɪˈtjuːpərətɪv/: adj. 谩骂式的
hang over: (威胁或疑虑) 笼罩;萦绕
energise /ˈenədʒaɪz/: vt. 激活;使精力充沛
of late: 近期;最近
dogged /ˈdɒɡɪd/: adj. 坚定的
opponent /əˈpəʊnənt/: n. 反对者
Permanent Structured Co-operation: 永久结构性合作
permanent /ˈpɜːmənənt/: adj. 永久的
grand-sounding: 听上去宏伟的
European Intervention Initiative: 欧洲干预计划
swap /swɒp/: vt. 与……交换
modestly /ˈmɒdɪstli/: adv. 谨慎地
1. issue: n. 问题;议题 vt. 提出;发表;发行
· at issue: 关键的
· The point at issue is that...: 问题的关键在于……
· take issue with sb. over sth.: 在某事上不同意某人的看法
2. vituperative: adj. 谩骂式的
· a vituperative attack on sb.: 对某人破口大骂
3. of late: 近期;最近
· recently: adv. 最近