Online ads that have been mentioned are pop-up ads, banner ads,ads before videos and so on. Either on websites or on smart phones they are annoying. They look ugly, slow down the speed, interrupt reading. Clicking on close of a pop-up ad is annoying, bearing a large banner on a 5” smart phone screen is annoying, watching a long video ad before a 10-second short video is annoying. These are neither good for users nor marketers. We should create more acceptable ways of advertising online.
1.Banners on websites should be small and allow users to close it. Banners should not appear on smart phone screen.
2.Pop-up ads should extinguish. It’s the most annoying ads of all.
3.The length of ads before video should depend on the length of the video user is going to watch. Like 5-second ads for videos within 1 minute, 15-second ads for videos that last from 2 to 5 minutes. 30 seconds for videos that last for more than 5 minutes. These are just examples, the exact time should be determined by data from launching a market research.
4.An idea come up to me that what if ads before video can be chosen by users. When they click on a video, the brand name and preview picture of 3 different ads show up and they can choose one ad out of three to watch. In this way, they are not forced to watch some boring ad, but they make the decision on their own,choose by themself. The transition here from passive accepting toactive selecting may highly reduce user’s resistance towards ads.
5.Native ads is a good choice. It looks neat and doesn’t bother with user’s experience. Users can choose to click on it or not. This is better for users and require higher content standards from marketers.
6.Branded advertising is also a good way. Advertorial is one of a popular form. Paying for advertorials published by opinion leaders on social media is beneficial.