Chapter 1 Introduction to Youth Conditioning and Fitness

Chapter 1 

Introduction to Youth Conditioning and Fitness

第一章    青少年训练和健身介绍



Discribe and discuss early efforts associated with the establishment of the youth conditioning and fitness industry


Briefly explain the stages through which the International Youth Conditioning Association was established


Describe the key aspects of youth conditioning and fitness coaching 


Explain the key benefits and philosophical underpinnings of the long-term athletic development model


Compare and contrast prevalent contemporary coaching and parenting practices with the long-term athletic development model


Discuss strategies through which the Youth Fitness Specialist can positively impact prevalent coaching culture


Youth Conditioning and Fitness:A Historical Perspective


青少年健身。体育发展。避免童年肥胖项目。我们对当代的特别迎合年轻运动员和顾客的训练和健身项目的可使用的作品关注越多,这些项目就会变得越来越专业和进步。 从兼职的私人训练者和教练(一般在租借的或者公共的空间之外工作)到装备数百万美元训练设备的专业健身教练团队,青少年训练和健身项目的有益性(有效性),并没有变得更好或者更多样化。



普通的和明确的个人训练的健身行业被认为是一个比较新的事业选择,对于那些对从事和寻求对健康的生活方式有帮助的职业的人来说。在美国,早在二十世纪二十年代,产业的先行者和偶像们比如Jack LaLanne,Vic Tanny,和Weide兄弟,他们得益于提升公众对于通过训练改善健康,(运动)表现和外貌的兴趣。

Up until that time,the vast majority of Americans were engaged in a  rigorous existence,working jobs requiring hard physical labor and enjoying relatively few modern conveniences around their homes.As a result, very few actually needed extra exercise to remain fit.


However,as the very nature of American society changed, so too did the need for personal trainers,with the field growing at an unprecedented rate over the past two decades and simultaneously transforming into a multi-billion dollar industry.With little or no regulation in standards or requirements for  professional practice, personal training preparation programs have also flourished,with estimates of between 100 to 200 different organizations currently offering some form of personal trainer certification.Opportunities for the future appear abundant as well. The field is expected to grow much faster than average over the next decade. Although the popularity of group exercise classes led by personal trainers has grown in recent years, one-on-one instruction with clients is still fundamental to the success of many in the field.

然而,随着美国社会的本质的改变,私人教练员的需求也随之而来,而且过去二十年来,这一领域以前所未有的速度增长,同时也转变成了数十亿美元的产业。(由于)对专业实践的标准或要求几乎没有(统一的)规定,个人培训准备计划蓬勃发展,目前估计有100到200个不同组织,提供某种形式的私人培训师认证。未来的机会也很丰富。 预计未来十年,该领域的增长速度将比平均水平快。 虽然近年来,由私人教练领导的团体运动课程的普及日益增加,但与客户进行的一对一教学仍然是许多人在这个领域成功的基础。

At the same tine, job opportunities for coaches in traditional school settings have dwindled as eroding budgets and an increased emphasis on academic standards has diminished public support for physical education, thereby negatively impacting job opportunities nationwide for physical educators and coachs in and across many state-funded institutions. However, at the same time, this loss of school-based physical activities has resulted in an all-time high demand for specialized coaching instruction in the private sector, thereby shifting the availability of jobs without necessarily decreaing overall opportunities.

与此同时,传统学校教练的就业机会也随着预算的削减而减少,对学术水平的越来越重视减少了公众对体育教育的支持,从而对全国各地的公立教育机构的体育教育者和教练员的就业机会产生不利影响。 但与此同时,这种以学校为本的体育活动的丧失却导致了私营部门专业辅导教学的高度需求,从而改变了工作的可用性,但不一定会减少整体机会。

The field of coaching is presumably as old as the human race, as any attempt by an older, wiser,more experienced,or more proficient individual to help another improve some aspect of performance or preparation could be considered "coaching." In an athlatic environment, the ancient Greeks utilized coaches in the preparation of athletes for competition. Employment in the field most often occours after years and even decades of personal involvement both observing and competing. In the United States, athletic coaches are most often also educators in various academic disciplines. Coaches may engage in individual instruction with athletes; however, most consider coaching to be a highly social field with team-based practices and preparation the norm even in individualized sports such as track & field, gymnastics,and swimming and diving. Although it could be argued that team-based coaching rather than more individualized instruction is more prevalent in the public education system primarily for financial reasons, there is little doubt that developing athletes can benefit tremendously from the lessons of sharing, contributing to an entity larger than self, and playing a role in common success afforded only in a team setting.


At the opposite end of the spectrum, adolescents who are not competitive athletes are similarly in need of the services of quality conditioning and fitness instruction. Rates of moderate obesity [ defined as a body mass index [ BMI ] for age at or above the 95 percentile ], linked in no small measure to a lack of physical activity, has been calculated at 16.9% for children and adolescents aged 2 through 19 years. perhaps even more alarming, mild obesity rates [ BMI at or above the 85th percentile for age] within the same group have been calculated at 31.7%.In the United States, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention points out that obesity leads to 300, 000 deaths per year and costs more than $100 billion annually, with only cigarette smoking causing more preventable deaths. This epidemic has resulted in a very real need for competent professionals in the fitness and coaching industries to both help address current health behaviors and hopefully instill lasting changes that can result in long-term wellness.


Likely compounding the problem, concerns over adolescent safety and well-being have all but eliminated the traditional"free play neighborhood"enviromnent enjoyed decades ago. As a result, children frequently spend most of their days indoors with little opportunity and little desire to be physically active. Clearly, if participation rates in competitive athletics continue to climb, yet at the same time nearly one in three children is considered overweight or obese, the need for professionals equipped to condition and train our youth safely, appropriately and effectively has never been greater.


Enter the IYCA


In business as in life, perceived need creates opportunity. With parents, athletes, and coaches all hungry for athletic development and youth fitness programming, such services began being offered with increasing regularity in the late 1980's and 1990's. Initially, due to the high overhead costs associated with the typical facilities of the time, such programming tended to be offered almost exclusively in geographic areas with high population density, particularly those with affluent residents who possessed the additional disposable income necessary to pay for such services. While some programs were developed with the unique needs of the growing child in mind, the vast majority were nothing more than watered-down adult programs marketed in new ways. The need for a clarion voice of reason and direction in the field grew ever larger.

在生活中,感知到的需求创造机会。 随着父母,运动员和教练都渴望体育发展和青少年健身计划,这些服务在20世纪80年代末和90年代后期开始得到越来越多的规律性的提供。最初,由于典型的设施拥有很高的时间上的间接管理费用(高空置率),这种计划(项目)倾向于仅在具有高人口密度的地理区域中提供,特别是那些拥有额外的可支配收入以支付这种服务的富裕居民 。虽然一些计划在脑海里是根据不断增长的孩子的独特需求而开发的,绝大多数只不过是以新的方式销售的稀释的成人计划。在这个领域需要一个澄清的理由和方向的声音越来越大。

Burdened by this growing need, the individuals who ultimately founded the International Youth Conditioning Association (IYCA) were hungry young fitness professionals who were active in the field in the late 1990's. During that time, the eventual IYCA founders began to take notice of the steady increase in questions and requests for services for training athletes at progressively younger and younger ages. Plagued by growing malaise over a youth fitness industry headed in what seemed to be the wrong direction, the decision was made to take an active role in developing a governing body for the field to serve as a defining voice and educational hub. With that, the IYCA was born.


The initial task at hand was to develop a textbook and certification exam to serve as the baseline measure of competence for individuals working in the field. Additionally, the requirement of a criminal background check due to the risks involved in working with youth was an industry-first. By 2005, the first-ever Youth Conditioning Specialist (YCS) was awarded and the organization continued to gain momentum and recognition.


Continued Growth


As the organization steadily grew from little more than an idea and a dream to a legitimate professional credentialing organization, so too did the need for increased leadership and direction. In 2006, established fitness business experts Pat Rigsby and Nick Berry were tapped to help build a youth fitness licensing system in which licensees could complete training with the IYCA then ofler IYCA-licensed training programs within their own communities. The idea would eventually grow into what would become the Athletic Revolution fitness franchise, currently the fastest-growing youth-based fitness franchise in the world. At the same time, Rigsby and Berry also became heavily involved in the IYCA, lending much-needed marketing and business systems expertise to both stabilize and further grow the organization.

随着这个组织从一个想法和梦想逐渐成长为一个合法的专业认证组织,它也需要增加领导力和方向。2006年,已成名的健身商业专家Pat Rigsby和Nick Berry,被挖掘来协助建立青少年健身许可证制度,其中许可证持有者在完成IYCA后,可以在他们自己的社区内提供IYCA许可培训计划(的培训)。这个想法最终将成长为运动革命健身专营权,目前是世界上发展最快的青少年健身俱乐部。与此同时,Rigsby和Berry也大量参与IYCA,提供急需的营销和业务系统专业知识,以稳定和进一步发展组织。

Under the leadership of Rigsby and Berry, the organization grew tremendously. The initiai YCS certification was completely revamped into the current four-tier Youth Fitness Specialist (YFS) credential. Chief Information Officer Sara Nylander helped to further develop theorganization's infrastructure and web presence, while Director of Research and Education Toby Brooks was brought on board to oversee and help develop a number of new certifications, resources, and educational materials. As membership grew, the decision was made to host the first-ever IYCA International Summit in Louisville, Kentucky in 2009.

在Rigsby和Berry的领导下,该组织大大增长。最初的YCS认证已经完全改编为目前的四年级青少年健身专家(YFS)认证。首席信息官Sara Nylander帮助进一步发展组织的基础设施和网络,而研究和教育部主管托比·布鲁克斯(Toby Brooks)负责监督和帮助开发一些新的认证,资源和教材。随着会员人数的增加,决定在2009年在肯塔基州路易斯维尔举办首届IYCA国际峰会。

A number of other individuals were also commissioned to help manage the mounting needs of one of the fastest growing certification organizations in the entire fitness industry. To date, the organization has released six total certifications (Youth Fitness Specialist levels 1-3, Youth Speed and Agility Specialist, Youth Nutrition Specialist, and High School Strength and Conditioning Specialist), six courses (Kettlebell, Olympic Lift, and Resistance Band Instructor Courses, Program Design Course, Special Needs Fitness Course, and Kinesiology Crash Course) and a number of other products to help educate those who work in the youth conditioning.




The IYCA currently offers  six total certifications for fitness professionals who have interest in the youth demographic. While no certifications require a college degree, formal education and training in the exercise and behavioral sciences are extremely beneficial. All certifications require a background check as weil as successful completion of a comprehensive exam. Further information is provided once a particular certification is purchased.  In order to remain in good standing, certified IYCA members must  renew their certification (s) according to the published IYCA renewal cycle guidelines. Renewal requires the documented completion of continuing education units and remission of a nominal renewal processing fee.


The Youth Fitness Specialist Level1 (YFS-1) certification is intended as an entry-level exposure to the field of youth conditioning and fitness. The material contained within the course has been developed to assist a total novice in acquiring the knowledge and skills necessary to begin to work in the youth fitness industry. The YFS-1 is considered a gateway credential in that it has become required by a number of fitness businesses and franchises as a condition of employment. At the same time, many youth sports associations and physical education, fitness, and wellness positions either require or strongly suggest the credential for potential job applican ts. No individual may progress to the next level of YFS credential until first successfully completing YFS-1.


The Youth Fitness Specialist Level 2 (YFS-2) certification involves additional scientific background as well as practical the same concepts and skills discussed in the YFS-1 certifi cation. Much like the YFS-1, the YFS-2 certification involves a comprehensive textbook, hours of DVD footage and practical examples, additional study resources, and a comprehensive certification examination. The YFS-2 is reserved exclusively for YFS-1 certified professionals seeking to further deepen their knowledge base in youth conditioning and fitness.

青年健身专家二级(YFS-2)认证涉及更多的科学背景以及与YFS-1认证中讨论的相同的概念和技能。 与YFS-1类似,YFS-2认证涉及到全面的教科书,DVD片段的数小时和实际的例子,额外的学习资源和全面的认证考试。 YFS-2专为YFS-1认证专业人士而设,旨在进一步深化青少年条件和健身知识库。

The Youth Fitness Specialist Level 3 (YFS-3) certification involves discussion of additional philosophical and practical underpinnings and includes both the Second Edition of Complete Athlete Development and 3D Training for Sports. The combination of these resources is intended to help the growing professional further develop the ability to conceive and implement highly functional training protocols that require developing athletes to move throughout the full range of motion around all axes and throughout all planes of movement. Only professionals who have successfully completed YFS-1 and YFS-2 are eligible to complete the YFS-3 certification. To date, the YFS-3 represents the most comprehensive and rigorous certification program available for youth fitness professionals.

青少年健身专家3级(YFS-3)认证涉及其他哲学和实践基础的讨论,包括完整运动员发展第二版和体育3D训练。这些资源的组合旨在帮助不断增长的专业人员进一步发展构思和实施高度功能性训练协议的能力,这些培训协议需要开发运动员在整个运动的所有轴线和整个运动平面上运动。 只有成功完成YFS-1和YFS-2的专业人员才有资格完成YFS-3认证。 迄今为止,YFS-3代表了青年健身专业人员最全面,最严格的认证计划。

The IYCA has also developed three specialty certifications, the Youth Speed and Agility Specialist (YSAS), the Youth Nutrition Specialist (YNS), and the High School Strength and Conditioning Specialist (HSSCS). Constructed and delivered in much the same manner as all levels of the Youth Fitness Specialist credentials, these certifications provide additional insight, and both didactic and practical content knowledge to help better equip the fitness professional. Although completion of the YFS through any level (1-3) would most certainly be beneficial in the completion of either specialty certification, it is not currendy required. However, as with all other IYCA certifications, renewal through CEU documentation and remission of processing fees is required.



While IYCA certifications represent the pinnacle in youth fitness education and training, the IYCA also offers and regularly releases youth conditioning and fitness-related courses that can be utilized to enhance the knowledgebase while also serving as valuable continuing education credit toward any IYCA-held certification. IYCA courses involve specific information on a relatively smaller scale, but still provide written and multimedia resources and a comprehensive examination to demonstrate competence. Unlike IYCA certifications which are always associated with a professional credential of some type, successful completion of any IYCA course will entitle the professional to an IYCA endorsement. For example, any professional who completes the IYCA Kettlebell Instructor Course will be recognized as an IYCA Endorsed Kettlebell Instructor. While not as comprehensive or rigorous as an IYCA certification, courses are beneficial in providing cutting-edge fitness knowledge at an affordable cost.


Other Resources


In addition to certifications and courses, the IYCA also offers a number of other resources for individuals in the youth conditioning and fitness field. The addition of print-based, web-based, interactive, and traditional video make these resources highly versatile and supremely practical. Additionally, IYCA resources that afford the individual the opportunity to plug in to a vibrant and active community of professionals to share and exchange ideas, read and critique current research, and interact and network with one another can all serve as invaluable tools in becoming a more skilled, competent, and connected professional.


Learning with Purpose


Remaining true to the initial purpose of the IYCA is paramount in any project to develop a new or revised educational product. The IYCA prides itself on developing and marketing comprehensive training materials based on sound science and tested and proven in real-world situations. Furthermore, our commitment to revisiting, revising, updating, and improving each and every item we produce is never ending. In this way, the IYCA philosophy for improvement is no different than what we expect from coaches, parents, and athletes—namely, purposeful and steady pursuit of excellence with a keen eye on continual improvement over time.


这样,IYCA的改进哲学与我们对教练,家长和运动员的期望没有什么不同 - 即有意识和稳定地追求卓越,通过敏锐的眼光持续改进。

Long-Term Atheletic Development


As an advocate and role model for young athletes, the YFS is charged with the responsibility of seeking out and addressing personal and professional weaknesses. Using objective analysis to evaluate existing practice, implement change based upon that evaluation, and subsequently alter practice systematically through continual and purposeful action, the YFS should operate within a paradigm of continual steady improvement. In essence, that philosophy is a perfect example of kaizen.


First introduced and utilized by several Japanese businesses following World War II, kaizen is a long-term approach toward improvement in which the individual or organization actively pursues excellence in small, manageable increments while eliminating waste through empowerment.  The approach has since been successfully implemented in quality control and process management teams in the manufacturing industries for decades. However, more recently, the kaizen philosophy has been further applied to individuals seeking personal improvement and empowered living. In particular, the long-term athletic development model (LTAD) is essentially the kaizen philosophy applied specifically to the process of systematically training athletes over time.


In an interesting twist, the kaizen philosophy does not apply exclusively to the developing athlete. Instead, both the coach and the athlete can benefit from this continual improvement process. Famed college basketball coach John Wooden, while not typically specifically mentioned as a kaizen proponent, often cited the value of kaizen-type sentiments. Wooden's developmental approach to coaching is evident throughout his writings. In one of his many books published regarding coaching philosophy, Wooden noted : ·

"When you improve a little each day, eventually big things occur. When you improve conditioning a little each day, eventualy you have a big improvement in conditioning. Not tomorrow, not the next day, but eventually a big gain is made. Don't look for the big, quick improvement. Seek small improvements one day at a time. That's the only way it happens-and when it happens, it lasts."

有趣的是,kaizen哲学并不适用于发展中的运动员。相反,教练和运动员都可以从这种持续的改进过程中受益。著名的大学篮球教练约翰·伍德(John Wooden)虽然通常不被特别提及作为kaizen的支持者,但经常会引用kaizen型观点的价值。在他的著作中,Wooden的发展教练方式的方法是显而易见的。在他出版的关于教练哲学的许多著作之中,有一本里面,Wooden这样写道:

“每天改善一点,最终会发生大的事情。当你每天都改进一点训练,最后你会在训练上有很大的改善。但是,不是明天,也不是第二天,但最终(你会)获得巨大的收获。不要去寻找一个很大的,快速的改进。每天一次,寻求小的改进。这是它发生的唯一方式 -一旦它 发生了,它会持续下去。”

Of particuIar importance, Wooden highlighted not merely the effectiveness of the approach in the present, but also the enduring nature of such improvements over time. By ascribing to a kaizen coaching philosophy, the YFS recognizes that attempting to maximize opportunities for short-term success oftentimes undermines favorable long-term outcomes. Conversely, improvements made and lessons learned through a more gradual and systematic long-term developmental model have consistently been associated with reduced injury rate, more favorable athlete perception of the sport, and generally improved measures of athletic and physical performance.



Divergent Beliefs


Many youth sport coaches erroneously embrace the notion that the pressures to succeed in the present and the immediate future overshadow what is likely best for the athlete in perpetuity. Winning today's game or this weekend's tournament becomes paramount, regardless of the actual importance of the event or its positioning in light of the LTAD model. In this case, coaching styles are very much reflective of the need to win. Perfectionist-based epistemologies are employed during practice and game settings. When performance is not reflective of the level of skill or perfection that the coach desires, yelling, belitting, and negative criticism often follow.

许多青少年体育教练错误地接受了这样的观点,压力对于现在和近期的成功(至关重要)。(这会)永远地给有可能对运动员最好的方式,蒙上阴影。赢得今天的比赛或本周末的比赛变得至关重要,无论事件的实际重要性还是根据LTAD模式进行定位。在这种情况下,为了赢得比赛,教练的风格非常反映(简单粗暴)。基于完美主义的认识论被运用到实践和游戏设置中。 当表现不能反映教练所要求的技能或完美程度时,经常会出现大喊大叫,贬损和负面批评。

Perhaps even more devastating to the developing athlete, many parents ascribe to the same errant thought process. Demonstrating advanced skills and achieving success at all developmental levels are conceived as the most important factors for participating in youth sports. Some parents offer negative feedback, harsh criticisms, or inappropriate comments during the game. The message sent to the young athlete is clear : success now is most important. What is more, continued success is the only defense from the negative feedback that can undermine confidence, self-esteem, and ultimately perception of self-worth.


Trainers and training centers dedicated to working with young athletes may often fall within this category, as well. Although the efforts of the IYCA and like-minded organizations and professionals have started to turn the tide against such ridiculous notions, some persist in the use of marketing strategies for training services geared toward young athletes built around the idea that improvements in speed, strength and jumping capacity will be both dramatic and immediate. However, under this model, only perfect or near perfect performance is deemed worthy of praise, while anything short of the desired outcome is met with powerful negative feedback. The sad reality is that for all but the best athletes, sport participation may often lead to feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem, eventuatly leading many to voluntarily withdraw from participation as a way of avoiding further erosion of self-worth.


Conversely, young athletes functioning under the auspices of a coach who ascribes to the LTAD model are taught to search for continual improvement rather than immediate performance as the principal marker of athletic success. This mentality encourages the young athlete to develop a far more useful and powerful approach to success and personal improvement—both athletic and otherwise—that may be utilized across the lifespan.


With this approach firmly developed and well entrenched, the individual is motivated to improve rather than motivated to perform. While subtle, the influence in thinking of such a difference is profound. Reasoning and creativity are enhanced. Problem-solving skills are better developed. Perhaps most importantly, self-worth is preserved due to the fact that "success"is an ability demonstrated over time rather than an instantaneous or momentary expression of skill linked directly to any one specific performance.


Also encouraging is that fact that enhanced reasoning and creative abilities enable the young athlete to solve new and more challenging sport-related tasks over time, thereby further increasing ability. Because such athletes associate success with improvement rather than performance, burnout and dropout issues that currently plague youth sport culture may be averted. Ultimately, such an approach can teach the young athlete to love physical activity simply because refining movement skills and developing physically is intrinsically linked to holistic self-improvement and may be viewed as a series of steps toward success rather than the more typical model of physical activity as a measuring stick in and of itself in determining aptitude.


Youth sports and training for youth sports have largely become exercises of pressure and fear. Repercussions for poor performance or lack of aptitude or skill are oftentimes severe. Many young athletes today have lost the joy and innocence of what sport and fitness participation truly are, and the stark reality is that they never fully develop a lifelong love for movement.


Agents ot Change


Although the IYCA has certainly grown and changed dramatically since its initial establishment less than a decade ago, the message and the mission remain the same. By educating and equipping committed and competent fitness professionals for the unique yet highly rewarding field of youth conditioning and fitness, we are striving to improve a profession. However, even more importantly, the IYCA is attempting to positively impact the healthy living habits and behaviors of tomorrow's generation. We believe that developmentally-sound, purposeful, and fun movement exposures provided through conditioning, fitness, and sports are critical building blocks in optimally developing from the formative years and well into adulthood.

虽然IYCA自十年前的初期成立以来一直发展壮大,但其要旨和使命仍然保持不变。通过教育和配备专业健身专业人士,为青年条件和健身的独特而高度奖励的领域,我们正在努力改善职业。 然而,更重要的是,IYCA正试图积极地影响未来一代的健康生活习惯和行为。 我们相信,通过调理,健身和运动提供的发展良好,有目的,有趣的运动曝光是从形成年龄和成年期到最佳发展的关键基础。

The IYCA was established and continues to work diligently to recapture the innocence of play and fitness for children and teenagers worldwide. This mission has driven us to develop cutting-edge resources that have been produced, tested, and proven by some of the industry's best and brightest minds. Through these resources and other educational and experiential offerings, the ultimate goal is to positively impact the lives of children and young adults now and in the future, fostering a lifelong love for movement, physical activity, and all the benefits of healthy living that follow.


This resource and accompanying materials mark the first step in the journey to learn both the science and the practice of youth conditioning and fitness. This resource and accompanying materials will serve as the first step in your IYCA preparation in general and the YFS progression specifically. Included within this program is a comprehensive didactic component which includes a proven approach to refining coaching behaviors, teaching and coaching youth conditioning and fitness, and successfully implementing such programming into a system designed specifically for young athletes. Additionally, the course is rich in practical application and examples, as well. We invite every person with the desire to positively impact the field of youth fitness and athletic development to join our cause and become part of the worldwide revolution.


  • 序言:七十年代末,一起剥皮案震惊了整个滨河市,随后出现的几起案子,更是在滨河造成了极大的恐慌,老刑警刘岩,带你破解...
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  • 正文 为了忘掉前任,我火速办了婚礼,结果婚礼上,老公的妹妹穿的比我还像新娘。我一直安慰自己,他们只是感情好,可当我...
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  • 那天,我揣着相机与录音,去河边找鬼。 笑死,一个胖子当着我的面吹牛,可吹牛的内容都是我干的。 我是一名探鬼主播,决...
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  • 序言:老挝万荣一对情侣失踪,失踪者是张志新(化名)和其女友刘颖,没想到半个月后,有当地人在树林里发现了一具尸体,经...
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  • 序言:一个原本活蹦乱跳的男人离奇死亡,死状恐怖,灵堂内的尸体忽然破棺而出,到底是诈尸还是另有隐情,我是刑警宁泽,带...
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  • 正文 年R本政府宣布,位于F岛的核电站,受9级特大地震影响,放射性物质发生泄漏。R本人自食恶果不足惜,却给世界环境...
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  • 我被黑心中介骗来泰国打工, 没想到刚下飞机就差点儿被人妖公主榨干…… 1. 我叫王不留,地道东北人。 一个月前我还...
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  • 正文 我出身青楼,却偏偏与公主长得像,于是被迫代替她去往敌国和亲。 传闻我的和亲对象是个残疾皇子,可洞房花烛夜当晚...
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