红色是跳弗朗明哥的西班牙女郎;黄色是向日葵欣欣向荣的花瓣;绿色是“春江水暖鸭先知”里春天的河流;蓝色是萨冈笔下的《你好,忧愁》…… 紫色呢?紫色是什么?
虽然 violet 一词早就有之,但是紫色的确是拜“印象派”所赐,才慢慢流行开来。从印象派画家开始,紫色才在画家的调色板占有一席之地。印象派大师莫奈(Claude Monet)的画作中经常出现这一颜色,他很少在作品中使用黑色,其作品中的深色阴影几乎都用紫色替代,加上花朵、雪景等等,紫色的笔触在莫奈的画笔下婉转成歌。
本篇课程首发于2018年11月01日,选自 The Economist Espresso APP
Kind of blue: science of colour
① Colours appear in languages at different times.
② In ancient texts, from the Hindu Vedas to Icelandic myths, red appears first, followed by yellow, green and finally blue.
③ A new analysis published in the Journal of Cognition and Culture suggests that violet only became prevalent, in art rather than in texts, after its use in the 1860s by Impressionist painters in France.
④ Allen Tager, an independent scholar, visited 42 countries to examine by eye nearly 140,000 artworks.
⑤ He found violet in only 87 paintings before the mid-nineteenth century.
⑥ Impressionists, by contrast, used the colour so often they were accused by critics of "violettomania".
⑦ Only in the early 20th century did violet become an established part of the artist's palette.
⑧ What this means is contested.
⑨ But if, as some scientists believe, language reflects a person's worldview, Mr Tager's finding suggests that for many, the world is now a bluer place than it was 150 years ago.
Hindu /ˈhɪnduː/: n. 印度教教徒 adj. 印度教的
· Hinduism /ˈhɪnduɪzəm/: n. 印度教
Veda /ˈveɪdə, ˈviːdə/: n. 吠陀经
Icelandic /aɪsˈlændɪk/: adj. 冰岛的
publish /ˈpʌblɪʃ/: vt. 出版;发表
violet /ˈvaɪələt, ˈvaɪəlɪt/: n. 紫罗兰
prevalent /ˈprevələnt/: adj. 流行的(偏中性);普遍的
· Acid rain is prevalent in this region.
· popular: adj. 受大众喜爱的;流行的
independent scholar /ˈskɒlə, ˈskɑːlər/: 独立学者(不隶属于任何学术机构)
artwork /ˈɑːtwɜːk/: n. 艺术作品
impressionist /ɪmˈpreʃənɪst/: n. 印象派作家/艺术家
· impressionism /ɪmˈpreʃənɪzəm/: n. 印象派;印象主义
accuse /əˈkjuːz/: vt. 谴责;指控
· accuse sb. of sth.: 指控某人某事
· sb. be accused of sth.: 某人被指责为……
violettomania: 对紫罗兰的狂热
mania /ˈmeɪniə/: n.(对某物病态的)狂热/癖好;狂热
· persecution mania: 被迫害妄想症
· He has a mania for cars.
established /ɪˈstæblɪʃt/: adj. 确定的;已建立的
palette /ˈpælɪt, ˈpælət/: n. 调色板
contest /kənˈtest/: vt. 竞争(contest /ˈkɒntest/: n. 竞赛)
· He will contest the presidency.
· sth. be contested: ……存在争议
· contentious /kənˈtenʃəs/: adj. 有争议的
· controversy /ˈkɒntrəvɜːsi/: n. 争议;争论
worldview /ˈwɜrldˌvjʊː/: n. 世界观