There is just too much discord with my girlfriend .it's like we are never on the same page .And it seems like there is a race to the bottom going on with us ,like whenever one of us accuses the other of something wrong the other would just rebut by saying you are no better and you also treat me like this or like that so you are in no position to judge me.
i don’t know ,shouldn’t being in a relationship be for the happiness of both ?to find something waiting for you after work or study ,to have someone to talk to ,to relax .but what we do and feel is just the opposite .
Actually we broke up too many times to count ,and i can't even remember the times . But every time I broke up with him I just couldn't go the whole hog .I would become guilty , thinking if I had done something I shouldn't have , regretting something I should have improved on so I would go find him to beg to restore our relationship .
I know I actually don't really like her as much as I used to ,but whenever i see her face ,which looks good ,my heart become soft and i think i want to still be with her.but deep down i know that she is actually not really my type in terms of character and our relationship won’t last very long .yes ,it’s just a matter of time before we break up for good .
She actually doesn't really care about me , to be honest .never including me in her life , she doesn't want me to meet her friends and when she is having fun with her friends she would never think about inviting me to join them .
I still remember back then I was limping because i did surgery on my legs and when we went out or went shopping she would never wait for me in spite of me not being able to catch up ,which i discussed with her many times but she never changed and it we had many fights on this until my legs recovered and we never had the problem anymore.
Ok i have written too much and i don’t want to dwell on it anymore .anyway ,i am going to school in 20days and maybe it is as long as our relationship will last ,me wiling or not willing to leave her .