Kind -> kindness`
permit -> permission
confident, reliable, intelligent: e->3 i->e,
diligent i->e,
responsible: it can describe person characteristic and use phrase like I am responsible for designing entire project.
Attentive: think a lot that others don't care about
She is so attentive that I don't need care about other things.
Sophisticated: o-e 'fi-fi ,cate-kei (person: have plenty of experience, merchandise: extremely complicated and elegant)
She is a charming and sophisticated person.
. frugal: u-u: al-el
He live a frugal life because of low salary.
. dependable: di'p3ndeble
. flexible: is open to suggest
. proactive: prou'aetiv ( take an initiative to do sth. Not waite for sth to come )
I need to be proactive to handle problem.
. Optimistic: )ti'mistic
He is always optimistic about setbacks.
. punctual: pvntru:el ( doing sth at an arranged time )
I wanna be a punctual person. At the way, I'll be adorable person.
. Host
. welcoming (pleased and friendly towards sb who is visiting or arriving)
.hosipitable: has'piteble
hosipitality: has'pitaeleti
. tolerant: ta:lerent
- able to accept others' opinions
He showed tolerant attitude towards opponents' opinion.
. respectful
. thoughtful / considerate
. Regorous [ˈrɪɡərəs] (-strict - done carefully and a lot of attention to detail )
. driven: (determine to succeed and put himself into work )
My superior is so driven that he forget to take care his family.
. goal-oriented: jvb-)rient ( work hard to achieve good result in the tasks that they have been given ) 定着目标并努力完成
The management team is made up of ambicious and job-oriented types who'd worked hard for their position.
. Speech
. courageous: [kəˈreidʒəs] ( show courage / brave )
Public speaker is an courageous person.
. logical: [ˈlɑ:dʒɪkl]
- be able to follow the rules of logic which is based on true fact
To be a logical person will be easy for others to understand your thought
. charismatic: kaeriz'maetik
When she adress on the stage of the classroom, she is charismatic.
. unabashed:vne'baeft
I wanna be more unabashed so that I can achieve my dream
. Adorable
. intuitive: in'tu:itiv (can understand others without direct explanation )
If you are intuitive, it means you'll attract lots of girls' attention.
. sympathetic
If you are sympathetic to others, others will return you more.
. thoughtful [ˈθɔtfəl] / considerate
- quiet. Because you are thinking.
I rubbed my jaw. I look like thoughtful.
- think everything for others
It was very thoughtful of you to send the flowers
- showing sign of careful thought
He made a thoughtful plan to win this game.
. dynamic: full of energy / bubbly [ˈbʌbli] : always cheerful, friendly and enthusiastic / vibrant [ˈvaɪbrənt]
You look dynamic.
She seem bubbly.
Your advantage is you are still young and vibrant.
. humble: [ˈhʌmbəl] (showing you don't think you are as important as others) modest
Stay humble. You'll get more.
. self-conscious: sb is very aware of who / what they are
She is self-conscious to take a group photo.
. Dutiful
- 孝顺的
. Hate
. scruffy: skrvfi
. disrespectful
. Bully
. Laity [leieti] 俗人
. lustful: lvstfel ( showing strong sexual desire )
Liu is a lustful man
. greedy: gri:di
She is a greedy women. She desire more money
. beauty
. classy: cla:si
- stylish and sophisticated for people
high quality and expensive
She is classy.
. elegant: 3ligent
- attractive and show a good sense of style
Yone is an elegant girl.
. chic: fik
- very fashionable and elegant
She is always so chic and elegant.
. have a good sense of style
. fashionable /trendy: tr3ndi
. well groomed
- for man neat and carefully dressed
I am well groomed.
. Put-together: 打扮精致、会搭配、一丝不苟
. polished: pa:lifd
- show confidence and know how to behave socially
I am polished and charming.
. swag: swaeg
- Her dress style is so swag.
. have a pet
. good-hearted / kind-hearted ( have love )
She is keen on cats. She is good-heated.
. caring ( care about others ) 体贴的
Children need a caring environment.
. shy: shai
He is too shy to say anything.
. Stubborn: 'stvben ( can't accept others' advise )
My father is a stubborn person. It's hard for him to accept others opinion.
. introrse: in'tr)se
He is a introrse person. He isn't keen on talking with others.
He is an introvert (:intreve:rt)
The largest challenge for American is to understand the mindset of easten European.
Happiness / joy
May happiness and joy around you today and always.
. confidence
unconfident, selfish, self doubted
It is selfish of him to leave all the work to you.
. gloomy oo-u y-i (sad and hopeless)郁闷的
I sat in gloomy silence.
. senseless: e-3 e-i
The police blamed the senseless driver who drove too fast.
. arrogant: a-ae o-ou an-en(ar rog-ask)
Senseless arrogance will make you pay.
He was so arrogant.
. careless: are-3r e-e
I am careless about little things.
. sloppy
. nosy: o-ou sy-zi
Don't be so nosy. It is none of your business.
She are so stingy that she don't want to spend more money in eating.
. Fickle: 'fikel
He is a fickle person. He often get married and divorce.
. greedy: gridi
You are so greedy, one day It'll destroy you.
. arrogant: aeregent / cocky: c)ky
. impetuous: im'p3tfjue (浮躁的)
I used to be impetuous. But now i'll be modest, think outside the box, think in others's position.
. tricky (triki)
He is a tricky person. I don't believe in him.
. pessimistic: p3si'mistic
He is pessimistic about his future.
.Snobbish: sn)blish
- (have a high social class and better than others)
He is snobbish person. He can't accept the fact that others look down on him.
Ran is a snobbish person. He always look down on others
. indecent: in'd3cent
- Thought to be morally offensive, especially being naked and sex
This is an indecent photos.
内向 / 外向:
- n
1. extrovert: 3kstre,vet ( a lively and confident person )
I am a extrovert person.
2. introvert: intreve:t
From time to time, I am a introvert.
- adj
1. extroverted
Sometime, I am a extroverted person.
2. introverted
Sometimes, I am a introverted person. I'll get addicted to my job.
1. careful
2. attentive
3.scrupulous [ˈskrupjələs]
4. chary [ˈtʃeri] ( not willing to risk doing sth; fearing possible problems if you do sth)
- ~ of sth/of doing sth
I am chary of making change in programming.