
1. lead weightn. 铅锤

lead 铅,铅笔芯,领导

iron 铁, 熨斗,坚强的   hammer 铁锤

steel 钢,兵器,坚硬的

2. elliptical: adj. =elliptic; noun. =elliptical galaxy

1. pertaining to or having the form of an ellipse;

ellipse: n. 椭圆

2. pertaining to or marked by grammatical ellipsis;

ellipsis: n. 省略号(=ellipses)

e.g. to conerse in elliptical sentences.

3. spiral:

螺旋式 n/v/adj

e.g. The country seems to be locked into a downward spiral.(国家螺旋式下降)

4. impulsenoun/adj


1. sudden, involuntary inclination prompting to action:

2. a psychic drive or instinctual urge.

3. an impelling action or force, driving onward or inducing motion. 冲量,推动力

4. [Electricity.] a single, usually sudden, flow of current in one direction.


marked by or acting on impulse

eg. an impulse buyer

pulse: v/n 脉冲,跳动

palse:noun. 脉冲

pause: verb./noun. 暂停,停顿

5. refute:verb 驳斥

1. to prove to be false or erroneous, as an opinion or charge

2. to prove (a person) to be in error

synonyms: disprove, rebut, confute

e.g. Silence is one of the hardest arguments to refute.(沉默是最难反驳的论点之一)

6. Jupiter :noun 木星

Mercury 水星

Venus 金星

Mars 火星

Saturn 土星

7. crest: noun/verb


1. the highest part of a hill or mountain range; summit 顶峰

2. the highest point or level; climax; culmination.

3. the ridge of the neck of a horse, dog, etc.

4. a helmet.

e.g. Never attempt to overtake on the crest of a Hill.


1. to furnish with a crest.

2. to reach the crest or summit of (a hill, mountain, etc.).

8. infrared 红外 n/adj

e.g. The other device was trying to read file data from the infrared port.

ultraviolet: 紫外

9. postulate:verb/noun


1. to ask, demand, or claim.

2. to assume without proof, or as self-evident; take for granted

e.g. postulate the existence of matter(假设物质的存在)


1. a fundamental principle.基本原理

2. something taken as self-evident or assumed without proof as a basis for reasoning. 假设



1. [Mathematics]. any of the magnitudes that serve to define the position of a point, line, or the like, by reference to a fixed figure, system of lines, etc. 坐标

2. a person or thing of equal rank or importance; an equal. 配套


1. to place or class in the same order, rank, division, etc. 协调

2. to place or arrange in proper order or position.


1. of the same order or degree; equal in rank or importance.

2. [Mathematics].using or pertaining to systems of coordinates.

e.g. Coordinate among different departments to ensure the company system implementation.

11. validity:noun

the state or quality of being valid: 合法性




1. a small piece of material used to mend a tear or break, to cover a hole, or to strengthen a weak place:

e.g. patches at the elbows of a sports jacket. 补丁

2. a piece of material used to cover or protect a wound, an injured part

e.g. a patch over the eye.眼罩

3. a small piece, scrap, or area of anything:

4. a period of time characterized by some quality:

e.g. he was going through a rough patch.


1. to mend, cover, or strengthen with or as if with a patch or patches.

2. to make by joining patches or pieces together:

3. to settle or smooth over (a quarrel, difference, etc.) (often followed by up):

13.emit verb

1. to give forth or release (a sound):释放

e.g. He emitted one shrill cry and then was silent.

2. to issue formally for circulation, as paper money.

3. to utter or voice, as opinions.

omit: verb 忽略,遗漏



1. Hunting. a quick shot taken without deliberate aim.

2. Informal. a brief appraisal, summary, or profile.简介


to photograph informally and quickly.快照

snapshoot: verb , to take a snapshot of (a subject).


1. anything shaped like a cone:锥形物

2. one of a series of cone-shaped markers placed along a road, as around an area of highway construction, especially to exclude or divert motor vehicles.

3. ice-cream cone

e.g. Force cone friction to be used for this rigid body.



1. to stop; discontinue:停止

e.g. Not all medieval beliefs have ceased to exist

2. to come to an end:

3. Obsolete.to pass away; die out.


cessation: 停止,中断



1. to bend or twist out of shape, especially from a straight or flat form, as timbers or flooring.变形,弯曲

2. to distort or cause to distort from the truth, fact, true meaning, etc.; bias; falsify:

3. to be or become biased; hold or change an opinion due to prejudice, external influence, or the like.


1. a bend, twist, or variation from a straight or flat form in something, as in wood that has dried unevenly.

2. a mental twist, bias, or quirk, or a biased or twisted attitude or judgment.


18.geodetic: adj

=geodesic 用于测量的

noun : geodesy测地学


to draw out to greater length; lengthen; extend.拉长

adj:=elongated : extended, lengthened


1. the process of making consistent or compatible.和解

2. the state of being reconciled, as when someone becomes resigned to something not desired.

verb: reconcile

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