Vespucci)的著名航海家,意大利的商人和制图师,探索了南美洲的东海岸和加勒比海地区,他最早意识到哥伦布发现的“印度”是一块新的大陆并绘制了新大陆的地图。他的名字用拉丁文写就是:Americus Vespucius。因为其他大陆用的名字都是女性化的拉丁语。所以,Americus就变成了女性化的拉丁语:America。
历史学家们还查明,卡伯特旅行的经费是布里斯托尔商人提供的。在保存下来的文件中,有一份写着“卡伯特旅行的最大捐款人”。付款凭据是1897年在维斯特明斯杰尔天主教修道院发现的。这份古老的文件是以交付捐款的布里斯托尔商人、老海关职员的名字开关的。这个名字就是理查德·亚美利克(Richard Americ)。而且,印章上盖有“AMERIC ” 字样。很可能,卡伯特想要感激装备他的探险队的资助人,便决定用其名——亚美利克命名了这块新发现的大陆。
America was not a new continent for theNative American Indians. They had arrived eighteen thousand years earlier,crossing the Bering Strait from Asia about eighteen thousand years ago, orcrossing the ice-bound Strait land bridge.
Christopher Columbus's arrival in Americaonly had a great impact on the Western world. Indians and Westerners are bothhuman beings, so it was the Indians who first discovered the New World, buttheir discovery had little impact. Neither Columbus nor any other Westerner was"the first to discover" America. Before they arrived, there werealready tens of millions of inhabitants.
On January 16, 2006, both the NationalMaritime Museum in Greenwich, London, and Beijing, a 1763 map of the Chinesesea, annotated with the 16th year of Yongle (1418), were on display. TheChinese navigation map has detailed navigation areas, as well as drawing theOutlines of America, Europe, and Africa. In addition, there are depictions ofNative Americans (with black and red skin, feathers on the head and waist) andAustralian Aborigines (with dark skin, nakedness, and bone objects on thewaist).
In the 1960s, archaeologists discovered theremains of their settlements on the Canadian island of Newfoundland and in NewEngland. In Viking legend, a sailor named Elixen sailed from Greenland to theeast coast of North America around the year 1000. Around the 11th century, someordinary northern European traders and farmers landed in smasts somewhere innorthern Newfoundland. They established a colony there, but were forced toreturn home after only two or three years because of the hostility of the NativeAmericans and the threat of the northern waters.
The Americas are home to about 900 millionpeople, or 13.5 percent of the human population. To THE Indo-EuropeanCIVILIZATION, America was not known at first, but the navigator Columbusarrived in 1492 and mistook it for India, so that the native people are stillcalled Indians. It was named after Italian explorer Amerigo Vespucci and isstill used today. The first immigrants came from Spain and Portugal, and laterfrom Holland, England, and France. In 1776, the first Western colonialindependent country was born in America -- the United States.
Name origin
The naming of the americas, common sayingis in memory of a man named Italy may Jericho, weiss's west (Amerigo Vespucci)famous navigator, Italian merchants and cartographer, explored the east coastof South America and the Caribbean, he realized that the earliest Columbusdiscovered "India" is a new continent and made maps of the new world.His name was written in Latin: Americus Vespucius. Because the names used byother continents are feminine Latin. So Americus became the feminine Latinword: America.
In 1499. Amerigo sailed from the sea toIndia with a fleet led by Ojeda, a Portuguese. They followed the route taken byColumbus and overcame many difficulties to reach the American continent.Amerigo made a detailed survey of the northeast coast of South America andprepared an updated map. In 1507, his book "Tales of Sea Travel" waspublished, which caused a sensation around the world. In this book, the"discovery" of the new world is engagingly recounted, and thecontinent is vividly described and rendered. Amerigo announced to the world theconcept of the new world, suddenly broke down the medieval Western geography ofthe absolute authority of the earth structure system formulated by Pudolemy.Therefore, several French scholars revised and supplemented Pudolemy's famousbook Cosmology, and named the new Continent after Amerigo, in recognition ofhis outstanding contribution to human understanding of the world. When the newbook Cosmology was published, the new World, America, was added to the mapbased on the material in the book. Later, according to the name of othercontinents, "America" was changed to "America". At first,the name referred only to South America. By 1541, Mercator's map included NorthAmerica as part of America.
British researchers have come up with a newhypothesis. John Cabot, the Genoese navigator employed by England, known asJovani Cabot (c. 1455-1499), probably arrived in America before Columbus, whois said to have first discovered America.
One morning in May 1497, John Cabot and hisson, Sheba Kiyan (c. 1475-1557), with a crew of 20, set out from Bristol,England, for the Atlantic Ocean on their 50-ton ship, the McGee. When they hadpassed the Azores, they turned to starboard and kept on heading west. Afterfive weeks, the travelers saw the coast of North America. On July 24, John'schristening day, they landed in Newfoundland. Newfoundland means "newlydiscovered land" in English. In accordance with the orders of King HenryVII of England, the sailors planted the Union Jack on their newly discoveredland. Cabot sailed back to Bristol harbour. The King of England awarded him anannuity of twenty pounds a year in recognition of his discovery of the NewWorld.
Historians have also established thatCabot's travels were financed by Bristol merchants. Among the documents thathave survived is one that lists "the largest contributor to Cabot'strip." The payment voucher was found in 1897 at the Catholic monastery ofWestminsgel. The old document was opened and closed in the name of the Bristolmerchant and old customs clerk who delivered the donation. The name was RichardAmeric. Also, the seal was stamped with the word AMERIC. It is likely thatCabot wanted to thank the benefactor who equipped his expedition and decided toname the newly discovered continent after it, Americ.
In North America
The economic development of North Americais very uneven. With the exception of the United States and Canada, which aredeveloped countries, most of the rest (except Cuba) are capitalist developingcountries (he said so and I said so).
Industry: The United States and Canada areeconomically developed countries with strong industrial foundation, hugeproduction capacity and advanced science and technology. Agriculture, forestry,animal husbandry, fishery is also extremely developed. With the exception ofMexico, which has some industrial base, most of the other countries in NorthAmerica have a single economy. North America has a large mining industry,mainly mining coal, crude oil, natural gas, iron, copper, lead, zinc, nickel,sulfur and so on, while tin, manganese, chromium, cobalt, bauxite, diamond,saltpetre, antimony, tantalum, niobium and natural rubber and other importantstrategic raw materials almost all or most of them are imported. The proportionof major industrial products in the world's total output is: pig iron, steel,copper and zinc all account for about 20 percent; aluminum accounts for morethan 40 percent; and automobiles account for about 37 percent.
Agriculture: Agricultural production in
North America is highly specialized, commercialized and mechanized. The Central
Plain is one of the famous agricultural areas in the world. The crops are
mainly corn, wheat, rice, cotton, soybean and tobacco. The yield of soybean,
corn and wheat China。