2012-7-12: a little bit sleepy
continue building palacios:
- make menuconfig: unselect the Time Virtualization Feature -> OK but lazy and nasty
- add "#include <linux/module>" (in file "palacios/linux_module/vm.c").
- change "ioctl" to "unlocked_ioctl", 'cause the "file_operations" has changed.
(in file "palacios/linux_module/iface-host-dev.c") - linux/smp_lock.h: No such file or directory: kernel is too recent?
just comment it out (in file "palacios/linux_module/palacios-vnet.c") - build the utilities.
$ make >build.txt 2>&1
ATTENTION: be careful with the platform issue (i386 vs. amd64)
v3_cons cannot be built 'cause libncurses5-dev:i386 cannot be installed with
libncurses5-dev:amd64 on 64bit Ubuntu. click this for more information.
use puppy linux to build the guest image.
PROBLEM: v3_mem allocates 0MB memory.-
check palacios online group discussion while puppy linux is being downloaded.
tune my Ubuntu working enviroment:
- multi-terminal (with an Emacs -nw) + sublime text + file browser + others
- sublime text 2.0.2 cracking took me some kinda time, reference to the below:
crack sublime text 2 under linux
install and crack sublime text 2 under ubuntu
sublime text 2.0.2 build 2221 final + portable (from 0daydown)
it's actually EECS 441.
- go check it: the online discussion group, professor Peter A. Dinda, etc.