240 发简信
  • 2019.1.4 挽歌


  • 2019-02-09

    PREFACE TO THE READER 1 I HAVE already slightly touched upon the questio...

  • 2019-02-07

    6 Hence it is that, whatever force my reasonings may possess, yet becaus...

  • 2019-02-06

    INTRODUCTION NOTE 1 impel treatise design 在这里的意思应该是构思之类的,原版翻译写的是用意 there...

  • 2019-02-05

    5 Now the sum of what I have been able to accomplish on the object is co...

  • 2019-02-04

    INTRODUCTION 1 The motive which impels me to present this treatise to yo...

  • 2018年度总结

    2018 痒 以此开启我在简书上的写文章生涯。 今年是非同寻常的一年,上大学的第一年,自己与自己再次决裂的分界线。如果说三年前的决裂让我走上了一...