I quit agree with u. a[-1:] would return [-9], which has the same type with predefined list 'a'. They share the identical data type of list. Instead, a[-1] results in 9, which mean the last element in list 'a', along with a data type of a scalar value for each element within it.
彻底搞懂Python切片操作写在前面: 利用python解决问题的过程中,经常会遇到从某个对象中抽取部分值的情况。“切片”操作正是专门用于实现这一目标的有力武器。理论上,只要条件表达式得当,可以通过单次...
For python's slice operation, the element corresponding to the ending index is not reached out.
彻底搞懂Python切片操作写在前面: 利用python解决问题的过程中,经常会遇到从某个对象中抽取部分值的情况。“切片”操作正是专门用于实现这一目标的有力武器。理论上,只要条件表达式得当,可以通过单次...
hi, iHTCboy. I found an official page from JetBrain providing all shortcut keyboards used in Pycharm, along with detail functionalities. You and other interested Jianshu.com contributors can reach out it by click here: https://www.jetbrains.com/help/rider/Reference_Keymap_Rider_OSX.html. Personally, I don't agree referring too much non-official handbooks, since it can bring out lots of confusions especially there are conflicts across different handbooks. It is difficult to figure out which usage is correct. So, I strongly suggest official user guides.
PyCharm for Mac快捷键小记1、前言 总结一下自己平时常用的PyCharm for Mac快捷键,因为网上经常找到的都是Windows版本,所以当是备忘也好,后续会不定期更新。 2、PyCharm fo...
I don't agree with u. I cannot reproduce the same result on my experiments. I used a git of version of 2.23.0 with Ubuntu 18.04. Actually, i surprisingly found that "$ git add ." could staged deleted files.
Git addUsually, these operations can be used to do git add rapidly. But there are some minor d...