240 发简信
  • Willa Cather's life chips

    1. In Webster County, Nebraska, the prairie *rolls in waves*, following ...

  • Resize,w 360,h 240
    "Normal People"


  • love is a fallacy

    "Love is a fallacy" Emotional type. Unstable. Impressionable. Worst of a...

  • "Light in August" & "1919"

    Light in August Even when at night, in her dark bedroom, she insisted on...

  • Resize,w 360,h 240
    Walter Fane in "The Painted Veil"

    读书, 尤其是读小说的愉悦感之一, 是这些文字表达了你想说而说不出的感受, 或者以一种更生动的手法刻画了你的生活以及身边人, 读到这些文字, 常...

  • "我一头栽进我的命运"

    I know full well that you are used to hearing women say that they love y...

  • Educated 文摘

    The seed of curiosity had been planted; it needed nothing more than time...

  • 毛姆文摘

    And above all, ceaseless like time, is the dull roar of the breakers on ...

  • 毛姆笔下有趣的人物

    Captain Nichols, 一个落魄船员, 有一个年龄不明, 全身上下紧绷绷的妻子, 偏就这个妻子让captain怕得要死, 毛姆这段犀利...