240 发简信
  • The Gay Genius 12.5

    一 words and expressions 1.handsome man, hale and hearty, given to drink,...

  • The Gay Genius 12.4

    一 words and expressions 1.Innocent and honest, such poems of protest aga...

  • On Writing Well 读后感

    一 表达回顾 1.others can’t write the second paragraph until they havefiddlede...

  • On Writing Well 11.24

    一 words and expressions 1.Only when they have children of their own—and ...

  • On Writing Well 11.23

    一 words and expressions 1.Every town starts with dirt streets that event...

  • Resize,w 360,h 240
    On Writing Well 11.22

    一 words and expressions 1.how to situate what they write in a particular...

  • On Writing Well 11.21

    一 words and expressions 1.Perelman’s life contained more than the usual ...

  • On Writing Well 11.20

    一 words and expressions 1.That’s the effortless style at its best: a met...

  • Resize,w 360,h 240
    On Writing Well Week 3

    一 表达回顾 1.It is part of the largefermentof modern brain research in progr...