240 发简信
  • Personal statement

    It is my conviction that the meaning of life does not dwell in the lengt...

  • Cover letter 黑体/积累

    (D23)Tom West 1225 East Avenue Changsha, BC V6N 5X3 Phone: (xxx-) xxxx-x...

  • 复盘总结

    不论是简历,还是context marketing ,都要自觉、不能随意写完让别人帮忙修改。没人比你更了解自己,要挖掘挖掘再挖掘。(潜力是不断压...

  • Day15 - 18简历

    Guo Jun XXX @ sina.com.cn 130 xxxx xxxx Objective: teacher intern Summar...

  • 计划表

    4-11-2017 —— 20-5-2017 Goal: Catti 2 Steps: vocabulary & reading Economi...

  • 会议议程/计划表

    8:00 - 9:00 intensive listening+ note-making 9:40 - 10:30 reading boo...

  • 第一周复盘

    开头之一: (寒暄)Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to tal...

  • 商务写作day5

    Dear Tom, I know that you can be extremely busy, but the presentation we...

  • Day3 Follow-up E-mail

    Dear Ms.Iris, Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to...