240 发简信
  • 傲慢不会让你欢欣愉悦


  • 苏曼迦旺/珍惜小确幸

    Happiness is not a goal to achieve at some time off in the future. Happi...

  • "桑杰",意味觉醒和延伸_秋阳创巴

    佛的藏文用语 藏文“桑杰”(sang-gye)被用来指称“佛”。“桑”意指“被厘清”或“被清净”。如果房间闷不透气,“桑”就是打开所有门窗,排出...

  • 法艺

    观修不只是坐禅或是行禅,是关乎如何以觉醒的心态去生活的独特训练。这才是一名艺者真正着手用功之处。 在观修中(梵文称为毗婆舍那),观察或者艺术感似...

  • 当下,这是获得快乐的基础

    Many of us ordinarily overlook one of the most critical criteria for a m...

  • 应有保留

    Today we are living in a technology age, and we tend to express almost e...

  • 照顾好自己

    According to Buddhist beliefs, our life is a like dream. When we are dre...

  • 避免问题做成生活的混乱

    Everyone goes through ups and down in daily life. Ordinarily, no one is ...

  • 去除负面情绪"毒素"

    Many of us are concerned about our well-being, and mainly focus on our p...
