这是什么季节? It was a chilly day in early spring. 这是早春二月,乍暖还寒的日子。
生活处处有老师。 老师就是为你好的人。 举个例子: 你要是买了个G5游戏版笔记本电脑,非要把它用成学生家庭版,老师心疼啊!下定决心一定要手把手教...
英语每日一句 The first calendar *to fix these days on definite dates of the ye...
英文每日一句 Clean-shaven men in collarless shirts or in underwear,women with ...
今天浏览文章看到了一句话它是这样说的:“No matter how good you are at something,there's alwa...
每日一句 She was born in bondage and with a dark skin and most of her early ...
英文每日一句 If I am interested in people,others are interested not so much in...
英文每日一句 My father often said* it was only the hardheaded thriftine...