不畏失败 Brave ones, saints and lovers of God, striving for this union, fail...
源头 今早一醒来来自"源头"的声音就进来在我耳底轻声吟唱悠远细长从没停止不断延伸无限宽广渗透所有边界携带低吟的波浪在天边回荡 声音庄严轻吻心板远...
THE GIFT OF UNDERSTANDING Meher Baba The gift of understanding is more p...
Meher Baba Non-violence, pure and simple, is the beyond state of God. It...
Meher Baba and Charles Haynes Once awakened in the heart, the gift of lo...
When the focus of this same light is finally shifted still nearer, not o...
Once, Shams-e-Tabriz, a Perfect Master of the time, confronted Rumi and ...
UNLESS ONE SEEKS WITH ALL ONE'S HEART Meher Baba [In an interview in Lon...